Chapter 07 - Immortal vs Impractical

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The room given to Laila and Aagron was double room and quite large in size. When both of them entered inside, they seemed in awe.

"I feel like I have sinned by entering this room." Laila was impressed.

"Get used to it, this is your future... and maybe mine as well."

"You are..." She stopped.

"Yes?" Aagron persuaded her to go on.

"'re a gifted, a nobles son and Hedge wasn't your real name."

"I am not fully sure what my gift is, my noble history is- well... history. As far as name is concerned, I would more comfortable if you call me Aagron."


"Yes, that's what people close to me used to call me."

"Okay, Aagron. What is going to happen... to us?"

"You are going with the princess, but I am not sure what to do yet..."

"What if I say no... you know, about going with her?"

"You can't, she is a princess. Turning down royalty is a nightmare that will haunt you for the rest of your life."

Laila had stayed quiet about the matter in front of the princess, but now was a different story, "What is the princess going to do to me?"

"To you? Nothing. For the king, definitely something."


"You know the emperor is sick. She will tell you to heal him."

This was completely unexpected to Laila, "What if I can't?"

"Then you can't. But honestly speaking, you have the power to heal him."

"How can you be sure?"Aagron stayed silent and then opened his mouth, "We, in Lakarion, are called Gaelis, in the common tongue, Gifted. But how much do you know about the gifted?"

"Not much, except our power is unique."

"Yes and it is so unique that we have no competition in our respective abilities. So I am going to tell you a truth about us that no one knows, and I need you to promise that you won't reveal this to anyone, ever."

"I promise."

In the silence of the room Aagron whispered everything to Laila leaving her shell shocked.

"Wait! Shouldn't we tell others about this? I mean it doesn't seem like the right to withhold such important information."

"Remember you promised, you won't tell this to anyone."


"BUT, if one day, you see consequences of this promise you made with me and I mean bad consequences. Then you are allowed to speak about it, agreed?"


"Alright, let's go to sleep."

Laila looked towards the bed. It was a double bed meant for two people.

"Like... together?"

"Remember you and I are part of the plan, we need to be in our top condition. So, sleep well."

Aagron headed straight to the bed, fell upon it and didn't move a muscle. Laila watched him for a while, and timidly headed to the other side of the bed, for a good night sleep.


At the break of dawn, outside the walls of Wildenburg, stood an army of a hundred and fifty soldiers. Led by none other than the War Princess, Emelia Hrez 'Ilya Lora Elradon. She was clad in Stralite light armour. A unique ore, stronger than steel and lighter than iron.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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