Chapter 1

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A/n I hope you all like this chapter and btw each chapter will be 3,000 to 5,000 words like most chapters in books, keep in mine I'm using my phone to write this. And he is 11 years old right now.

 Naruto was walking to school when he saw them. He looked down and prepared to be attacked. Everyone always hated him and would either bully him, beat him, or kick him out of whatever place he was in. They attacked him but once they realized they would be late for school they left. "Not one word about this to anyone or you'll wish you were never born." the one in change said to him. 

Naruto just nodded and went to the academy. He sat in his usual seat, in the back and next to the window. Iruka noticed the bruises on him and wondered what he did. "Naruto why do you have bruises?" Iruka questioned.

The bully glared at him from the front. "I-I tripped while walking to school and I rolled down a hill" Naruto said. 

Iruka nodded and then started teaching the lesson of that day. "Today we will be learning about..."

Naruto started zoning out as usual, there was no point in him trying. Whenever he got an answer wrong they would all laugh at him and whenever he got the answer right they got angry. Sometimes, if he did really well they would beat and bully him. That's why he sat in the back, so Iruka wouldn't call on him and he would be safe. He was snapped back to reality when someone came up to him and asked him something. "What?" he said.

He looked at them, it was Sakura Haruno, he kind of had a crush on her but he knew she wouldn't ever care about him so he dropped his feelings for her. Standing next to her was Sasuke Uchiha, all the girls were in love with him, even though they knew he would never feel the same for any of them. Not only that but he was the best in the class.

Sakura repeated what she had said. "Can we sit next to you?

Sakura had noticed how the yellowed haired boy was always sitting on his own and never hung out with anyone at recess. Her parents always told her not to be near him but nothing seemed that bad about him so she decided she would try to be his friend. 

Naruto was shocked at first and his first instinct was to say no. After all who would want to be friends with him all of the sudden. It was probably a trick in order to make fun of him. Still, he was lonely and if this wasn't a trick then he would be passing up his only chance to be friends with someone. And with his mind screaming at him that it was a trick he decided it would be worth the risk. "Sure." he said.

Sakura took the seat beside him and Sasuke beside Sakura. Naruto continued to zone out while Sakura payed attention. Sasuke also zoned out because he already knew the answers to every question.

Iruka continued with his lecture but noticed Naruto not paying attention. "Naruto, what is the answer to the question?" 

"What?" Naruto said.

The class started to laugh and Naruto felt himself turning red with embarrassment. "What's the answer to the question? If you were paying attention then you should know." Iruka said.

"The answer is Kannabi Bridge." Sasuke whispered.

So this is where they make a fool of me, Naruto thought. Still, knowing he didn't have any other answer to give he decided to trust Sasuke. "Kannabi Bridge" Naruto said.

"That is correct, good job Naruto."

The class stopped giggling and started to listen to Iruka again. Naruto thanked Sasuke and then decided to sleep until lunch. He didn't get enough sleep last night and he needed his rest if he was to function properly for the rest of the day. Finally the bell rang for lunch and everyone pulled out their lunches. Naruto pulled out a sandwich, some egg rice, a bag of chips, and some cookies. 

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