Chapter 4

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A/n alright chapter 4 baby! This chapter will be a bit more edgy, like 11+ kinda edgy, but I still think mature 9 or 10 year olds could read this. But this book's target audience is 13-18 (not because it's to inappropriate for young kids and/or too childish for older kids but because that's my age group and also who I think can appreciate this the most). But anyways the reason this could get a bit edgy because this chapter will have some darker themes and could possibly be a bit gory, idk if it will be. But that's all unimportant, what is important is that I hope you enjoy this.

Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi were all standing outside the room, waiting to hear whether or not Sasuke was okay. 

Kakashi was the first to say something. "I have a similar eye to yours Naruto. You have what appears to be a mongekyo sharigan which is a more evolved state of the three tomoe sharigan. I have a mongekyo sharigan but beyond that I canonly speculate what you have. I think you have an eternal mongekyo sharigan which gives you all the abilities of the mongekyo sharigan without going blind. And it also appears that you have the rinnegan which are the eyes of the sage of six paths." 

Sakura gasped at hearing this. Could this mean Sasuke was the reincarnation of the sage of six paths? She wondered. 

As if hearing her Kakashi answered her question. "Firstly to evolve Sasuke's sharigan to three tomoe, Naruto would've had to go through a lot of suffering, which he has. Secondly to evolve his thre tomoe sharigan he must have lost someone close to him."

Sakura immediately felt even worse for Naruto.

Sensing this Naruto tried to make her feel better. "It's fine, it was probably my parents, and I never really knew them so I can't miss them."

Kakashi continued on. "To evolve it into an eternal mongekyo sharigan you would need to have your brother's eyes transplanted into your head but Naruto isn't Sasuke's brother and Naruto nor Sasuke have taken anyone's eyes. So I'm a bit confused about that, my best guess is that they are reincarnations of brothers. And finally I have absolutely no idea how he has the rinnegan."

"Well that's really helpful." Naruto said sarcastically. "But what does this eye do?"

"I don't know, other than what a normal sharigan does the mongekyo's abilities aren't known, mine allows me to teleport but yours could do many different things." Kakashi stated. "You should try to keep your eye covered Naruto, unless you're in a fight, you'll use up all your chakra if you keep it uncovered and you can't turn it off." 

"But I don't feel drained at all." Naruto said. "Actually I feel better than I did right after the fight."

"Perhaps the rinnegan has less stamina drain, that or your chakra regenerates faster than your rinne-enternal mongekyo sharigan (A/n which will now be called the REMS) uses it up." Kakashi said.

They sat in silence for a while until the doctor came out of the room.

"You friend should be fine. He should try to take it easy for a week or two though.. So no sparing, no big missions, and no serious training." The doctor said. "But I noticed that his eye was gray and had circles rippling out from it with a weird design where his pupil should've been." The doctor pointed to Naruto. "It looked kind of like his eye."

Naruto and Sakura both sighed with relief knowing that Sasuke would be okay. 

"Can we see him?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, but make sure he doesn't move to much, otherwise he could reopen the wounds." The doctor said.

Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura stepped into the room. They saw Sasuke lying on the bed. He looked like a mummy from all the bandages he had been wrapped in.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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