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Let me call her up and be like, "excuse me mrs. um"


My alarm blaring woke me from my slumber. Normally I didn't set it for the weekends as I slept in if I didn't have something planned. But today was different. I would be meeting with Karter this evening to discuss, finalize, and start enacting our contract relationship. She really was a God send in this situation. However, I knew my mother had crossed the line and pushed her final button last night. That was the only reason she agreed to this arrangement.

After handling my morning hygiene and making myself a bowl of cereal, I went into my office. I turned my computer on and waited for it to load. As it loaded, I stood in the bay window and stared out to look at the view of the Han River. I would miss this view, but to be honest, raising a child in a penthouse wasn't ideal. I wouldn't sell this penthouse. After all, we could still use it if we needed to.

First and foremost, I needed to type up everything that I thought needed to be in the contract to protect both of our interests. Of course, she had the right to amend it how she saw fit. After all, she was doing me this favor. We had to establish our personal boundaries with one another. Which wouldn't be too hard since we've known each other for such a long time already. I would willingly give Karter whatever she wanted.

"I wonder if she's awake yet," I glanced over at the clock on my wall and sighed. It was still too early, at 9:30AM. From our college days, I knew for a fact that Saturdays were sacred to Karter and I wouldn't knock her off it. She would sleep until noon before even uttering a sound or movement. I chuckled at the thought.

Instead of worrying about her, I got to work. There was so much that Karter and I had to accomplish in such a little time. If we were going to pull off our wedding, we had to get on it, like today. No matter if our marriage was a sham, I only planned to do it once in my lifetime.  So I wanted it to be grand and beautiful. We had to schedule pictures, dress, and suit fittings. She had to find makeup and stylists. I groaned at the thought of all of it.

I paused working on the contract and called the event planner that was usually used for company parties. I still had the number saved from when I first opened the company. He was also a good friend of mine.

It was too late for us to look a wedding hall for the ceremony. We could just use the biggest ballroom on the second floor of the company. We hosted all of our company events in the building. It was cost effective that way. I'd probably saved millions of dollars since I'd opened the company and purchased this building. We held incentive events every quarter. So I guess, this quarter's event would be our wedding.

"Taehyung, good morning, how can I help you?" His happy go lucky voice came through the speakerphone.

"I'm glad you asked. I need a wedding planner."

"Well you're in luck, I just wrapped up my last event. Who is the wedding for?"

"It's my wedding,"

"Huh? What? You? Married?" I could hear the humor in his voice.

I chuckled. "Yes, I'm getting married."

"Wow! Never thought I'd see the day. No offense. You're so focused on your work. What a lucky lady she is."

"Indeed. You know her too."

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