king of new york

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"Good morning sunshine."
Racetrack greeted cheekily looking down at her.
She immediately bolted up after seeing Racetrack's face so beat up and bruised.
"Racer! God what happened?!"
She asked worriedly changing her position to sitting on his lap to face him and cupped his face in her hands. She removed his hat and moved one of her hands up to ruffle up his curls. His face instantly turned bright red and once again became a stuttering mess.
Albert who was behind then snickered at him along with some of the other newsies, Tiger hadn't noticed anyone else was there until she heard the snickers. She looked up at them with the face they call 'Tiger's scary face' and looked right back to Racetrack's cuts and bruises on his face.
"What did you do?!"
She practically screamed at him.
"Oscar he- he hit ya Tiger! I- Ise couldn't just stand there! He would've taken ya to da refuge!"
He told her grabbing her hands into his own.
All the boys 'ohhhhh'd the two.
"Oh shut up would ya?"
Tiger yelled at them.

"Aye! Racer! Get away from my lady!"
Les yelled running over to Tiger as she got up to hug him. As she did Les gave Racetrack a death stare.
"Aye Les does you know where Jack is?"
Tiger asked him. When she did all the newsies looked down.
"Hey! I asked a question!"
Tiger yelled to all the newsies.

"She did ask a question. And all of you big tough boys are just looking down and avoiding it. Where's Jack? I heard they got Crutchie."
Katherine said walking into the deli.
"They got Crutchie!?"
Tiger asked frantically as she was scared for the poor crippled boy.
"No! No he can't last in there! Please we have to get him come on!"
Tiger cried, pulling Racetrack's arm to the door as he tried to hold her back from the exit of the deli.
"Sh sh calm down."
Racetrack whispered pulling her to his chest.
"No! Don't tell me to calm down! Everyone knows that Crutchie can't last dat long! Please please for the love of God please don't tell me theys got Jack again!"
Tiger snapped at him pushing against his chest.
"The Delancey's are spreading some fishshi that he fled at the first sight."
Albert told her and Katherine.
"Jack don't run from no fight!"
Les yelled trying to push Albert.
"Yeah yeah I'm just reporting da news!"
Albert defended.
"Well I have some good news!"
Katherine told them all to change the subject.
"So could all of these glum mugs be the same newsies that made the front page!"
Katherine declared showing them all the newspaper.
Racetrack instantly grabbed the paper putting in front of him.
"Well would you look at that! That's me!"
Racetrack said proudly.
"Yeah sharin' spit with Tiger!"
Albert teased making his way in between the two.
"Oh gimme that!"
Romeo said grabbing the paper from Racetrack.
"Oh wow he is! Damn Racer you got da girl!"
Elmer yelled high fiving Romeo.

"Oh whatever! Make fun all ya want!"
Racetrack yelled taking back the newspaper.
"This means Wes famous!"
He announced.
"So does anyone know where Jack is?"
Katherine asked.
Everyone just shook their head no.
"Jack's probably out with big bad Spot Conlon!"
Les exclaimed hopeful.
"I don't think so Les, I'd I had to guess either the roof of da Lodgin' House or Medda's."
Tiger told her while soothing Les by rubbing his back softly.

"Oh for jumping Jacks sake! Can you stow the seriosity long enough to just drink in the moment... I'm famous!"
Racetrack declared moving in between Tiger and Albert and pulled them both in close. Tiger and Albert both rolled their eyes at him.
Henry jumped up on one of the tables.
"What of it?"
He asked both annoyed and confused with Racetrack and his optimism.
Racetrack let go of Tiger and Albert and turned to look at Henry in disbelief.
"Are you stupid or what? When ya famous da woild is yer erster."
He said smugly putting his cigar in his mouth.
"Ya what?"
Henry asked confused and looked around to see the others confused as well.
"Yer erster!"
Racetrack said again looking around but everyone was still confused.
"Oh come on! Ya fancy clam with da pearl inside!"
Racetrack yelled frustrated.
"Oh! He means oyster!"
Tiger told everyone. And it was like someone flipped the switch as all the newsies made the same 'oh' noise.
"We really need to work on yous pronunciation Racer."
Tiger told him throwing his hat at him.

He walked over to Tiger.
"Yeah yeah and yous my dear is my erster."
He said smugly, lifting up her chin to look at him as he made a kissy face.
Racetrack was a flirt, everyone knew this. This behavior was normal for him especially around Tiger, it was common knowledge, at least to all the newsies. Katherine on the other hand practically had her jaw to the floor, since she had barely really known him or the newsies.
Tiger fought the blush that came up to her cheeks and swiped his arm away and took his cigar.

Tiger turned to face away from him only to be faced with Katherine who wore a smirk and a raised eyebrow on her face.
Tiger asked embarrassed but she covered up with annoyed.
"Oh nothing."
Katherine told her trying to repress the laughter.

"Uh huh and what does being famous pay?"
Henry asked turning Racetrack to face him.
Racetrack scoffed at the question.
"Well you don't need money when ya famous! They gives ya whatever ya wants gratis!"
Racetrack explained excitedly.
"Such as?"
Henry asked again.

Racetrack: A pair of new shoes with matchin' laces
Romeo: A permanent box at the sheepshead races
Henry: Pastrami on rye with a sour pickle
Finch: My personal puss on a wooden nickle
Racetrack: Look at me
I'm the king of New York!
Suddenly, I'm respectable
Starin right at'cha, lousy with sta'cha
Albert: Nobbin with all the muckety-mucks I'm blowin my dough and goin' deluxe
Racetrack: And there I be! Ain't I pretty?
It's my city. I'm the king of New York!
Davey: A solid gold watch with a chain to twirl it
Les: My very own bed and an indoor terlet
Mush: A barbershop haircut that costs a quarter
Tiger: A regulr beat for the start reporter!
Racetrack: Am-scray, punk, she's the king of New York!
Katherine: Whod'a thunk! I'm the king of New York!
Newsies: We was sunk, pale and pitiful,
Buncha wet noodles!
Pulitzer's poodles.
Buttons: Almost about to drown in the drink,
Racetrack: When she fished us out And drowned us in ink!
Tiger: So lets get drunk!
Newsies: Yeah!
Katherine: Not with liquor. Fame works quicker
When you're king of New York.
Newsies: I gotta be either dead or dreamin',
Cause look at that pape with my face beamin'
Tomorrow they may wrap fishes in it, But I was the star for one whole minute!

Racetrack and Albert started play fighting which turns to the a tap off.  All the newsies then join in.
"Aye you gonna let me in or not?"
Tiger exclaimed and the all turned to her for her turn.

"Come on rich girl! Let's see watcha got?!"
Tiger challenged as all the newsies 'ohhhh'd.
Katherine did a small little tap.
"Oh come on! That's the best you can do?!"
Tiger snickered.
With the challenge now in front of Katherine, she went all out.
"That's what I got! Think you can keep up newsie!"
Katherine pretended to drop the mic trying to threaten her.
But Tiger showed her up using Racetrack to do lifts with her seeing as they were the duo.
"Hey it's okay my brotha couldn't keep up with me maybe you would be a good couple."
Tiger taunted her playfully.
Katherine laughed pulling in Tiger to hug.

Newsies: Look at me
I'm the king of New York!
Wait and see
Tiger: This is gonna make both the Delancey's
Pee in their pant-sies.
Newsies: Flashpots are shootin bright as a sun!
I'm one highfallutin son of a gun!
1 guarantee
Though I crapped out, I ain't tapped out!
I'm the king of New-Friends may flee.
Let'em ditch ya! Snap one pit'cha
Your the king of New-History! Front page story,
Guts and glory, I'm the king of New York!

"Hey! I think I might know where Jack is."
Davey said making his was up to Katherine and Tiger.
"Lead the way."
Katherine told him nodding to Tiger.

Word Count: 1435

my erster (racetrack higgins x oc)Where stories live. Discover now