the poor guy's head is spinning

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a/n- what i would give to be in this cast^^

Katherine, Davey, Les, and Tiger left the rest of the newsies and checked the two places Jack would be. First, his 'penthouse in the sky' aka the roof of the Lodging House and once they didn't find him they checked Medda's Theatre.

As they entered the building from the backstage door, they heard mumbled talking from the stage.
"That's Jack and Medda."
Tiger informed the others. After hearing that Davey dashed to see the stage with Tiger close behind him.

"Hey! How about letting a pal know your alive!"
Davey yelled down to Jack from the balcony.
"Or a sister!"
Tiger yelled catching up to Davey.
"Maybe I didn't wanna be found."
Jack grumbled back to them as Tiger rolled her eyes at him walking down the stairs, this time Davey was behind her.
"God Jack you're so predictable!"
Tiger told him as she hit the bottom of the stairs and reached to where Jack was.
"Huh says you."
Jack scoffed at her sarcastically. Then pulling  her into a hug.
"Hey, hey what happened?"
Jack asked looking at the big bruise on her face from Oscar.
"It's okay, I'm okay. How are you?"
Tiger said reassuring him as she pulled away from him.
He looked at her skeptically.
"Don't worry, Jack. Racer got em good."
Davey told him from behind the two. Jack smirked while nodding his head then suddenly his face went back to solemn.
"Jack, what's wrong? What happened?"
Tiger asked concerned cupping Jack's face in her hand as he leaned into it, he then reached down into his pocket showing a crumpled up letter.
"Crutchie's in the refuge."
Jack told her giving her the crumpled up letter that Crutchie wrote him.

How are you? I'm okay
Guess I wasn't much help yesterday
Snyder soaked me real good with my crutch
Oh yeah, Jack, this is Crutchie, by the way

These here guards, they is rude
They say "jump", boy, you jump or you're screwed!
But the food ain't so bad, 'least so far, 'cause so far, they ain't brung us no food!

Ha, ha

I miss the rooftop
Sleeping right out in the open
In your penthouse in the sky
There's a cool breeze blowin', even in July

Anyway, so guess what!
There's this secret escape plan I've got!
Tie a sheet to bed, toss the end out the window
Climb down then take off like a shot!

Maybe though, not tonight
I ain't slept, and my leg still ain't right
Hey but, Pulitzer, he's goin' down!
And then Jack, I was thinking we might just go, like you was sayin'

Where it's clean and green and pretty
With no buildings in your way
And you're riding Palominos, every day!
Once that train makes Santa Fe.

Damn this place

I'll be fine, good as new
But there's one thing I need you to do
On the rooftop you said that a fam'ly looks out for each other
So you tell all the fellas from me, to protect one another!

The end
Your friend
Your best friend-
Your brother

P.S- give this to Tiger too, she was as much family to me as she was you. I'll always love you guys and I'll never forget how you two were always there.

Was all Tiger was able to say about the letter.
"We have to hel-"
Tiger started as her voice was weak and cracking.
"I tried! They beat him up so bad he couldn't come up to the window!"
Jack yelled frustrated, wiping a single tear away.
"Jack come on! We made front page news! Above the fold! Oh yeah! You heard that right! Above. The. Fold."
Davey told him interrupting.
"Yeah and just like that all the newsies were back out again sellin' like da strike never even happened."
Jack told them holding his head frustrated.
"Yeah! And I was out there with them. And then I saw the look on Wiesel's face and he was actually scared! And I stopped. And I put down my newspapers and so did the others!"
Davey told him happily. Tiger tried to reach for Jack but he smacked her hand away lightly.
Tiger tried again.
"No! Theys won."
Jack cut her off again, pacing back and forth.
"Oh relax no one died!"
Davey yelled.
"Oh! So that's your goal huh? What about Crutchie?! He can't last there!"
Jack yelled back frustrated.

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