Chapter 4~ I'm the Priest of What?!?!

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Hikari's POV

"The Priest of What now?" I asked very confused. I had heard of a Priestess, but not a Priest...

"The Priest of Suzaku." Kaze said matter of factly, she then continued, "And before you ask, The Priest of Suzaku is the boy that summons Suzaku, like how your Mother was the Priestess of Suzaku."

"So what you're saying is that you think I'm the Priest of Suzaku?" I asked pointing at myself. Kaze simply nodded. I stared back in disbelief, I'm so confused what do I do?? I can't be the priest, its impossible!! Wait, did this Kysandra girl have something to do with it? I thought.

"Who is this Kysandra girl you were talking about?" I demanded. I really wanted to know if this was true, which I hoped was not.

"And why should I tell you, huh?" she asked me sternly, her hands on her hips. Her dad gave her a stern look and motioned for her to come to him. They were talking quietly, well at least her dad was. Kaze was quiet at first when, I assume, he was lecturing her and then it got loud. "You're messing with me right?" and then it got quiet ans she muttered, "Fine."

They then walked over to us, Tasuki was smiling and Kaze was glaring at me. "My daughter has so graciously volunteered to take you to Kysandra so you can find out who she is." he said happily. Kaze was silent.

Kaze's POV

I can't believe I have to take this brat with me! I complained in my head. Guhhhhhhhh.... "Okay come one." I said rolling my eyes, starting towards the horses.

"Wait were leaving now?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah." I replied in a 'duh' tone. Walking towards the stables again, assuming they were following me.

When we got to the stables, I ran over to my horse, Smudge. She was an all black horse, a little taller than me, and had one small dot of white on her chest (hence the name Smudge). I stepped up to her and started stroking her nose, giving her some food white doing so. "Okay, let's go." I said, grabbing our bags and hopping on Smudge. Hikari just stared. "Well are you coming or what?" I was getting annoyed.

"Wait am I going on the horse with you?" he asked. I rolled my eyes and motioned for him to get on behind me. He tried climbing up. It wasn't working. So being the generous person I am, I helped him get on. Or more like dragged him on.

"Okay you're gonna wanna hold on," I told him, motioning to put his arms around my waist. "Unless you wanna fall off, that is." He, however took his arms off from my waist and put them down in his lap. "What are you doing?" I asked him, turning around.

"I'm pretty sure I won't need to hold on, I got this." he said proudly. I just kinda stared at him, then turned around and shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay, don't blame me if you fall off." I warned him. He waved goodbye to our parents and then slapped the reins to get us into a run. About five seconds in the ride, he held onto me for dear life. "I told you so." I yelled over the wind blowing in our face.

"Shut up!" he yelled back at me. I laughed looking straight ahead and continuing on the path to Kysandra.

Time Skipu~

A couple hours later, and a lot of Hikari's whining, we had finally made it! Well, the city at least. The bustling as usual, everyone running around, buying all their needed things and even some illegal dealing in dark alleyways.

"So this is where she lives huh?" Hikari questioned, looking around in awe.

"Oh, just wait until you see her house." I said smirking, I really want to see his reaction.

A little while later we had finally made it to the palace. "Wait, why are we at a palace?" Hikari asked. I facepalmed. Really?

"Because she's the princess stupid!" I told him, frustrated. "Ok come on, lets go!" I said walking towards the secret entrance to get in. Ya see I can't really go through the front entrance because the guards don't like me that much. Let's just say, they don't like it when I take their weapons hehe.

We got into the entrance which is just the palace garden. It had beautiful flowers everywhere and shining green grass. There was a gazebo, right in the middle of it, which was always out meeting spot. And she was already there.

"Kysandra!!!" I yelled running towards her, not caring about Hikari anymore.

"Kaze!!!!" She yelled back also running towards me as we met together and did our handshake, then hugged.

(A/N The handshake is the first 10 seconds of the video, so go watch that to see what it looks like.)

Kysandra was my best friend and she was also super pretty. As you can tell from Hikari over there trying not to drool. She had long blonde hair with different hairstyles all the time. This time is was just her natural hair curled. She has bright brown eyes and tan skin. She had a white dress on and her necklace with the palace's crest on it, she didn't have her crown on right now.

"So is this the Priest of Suzaku?" She asked gesturing to Hikari.

"I don't know, hopefully not." I said, starting to walk over to him. Kysandra just laughed.

"Hikari, this is Kysandra, the one you wanted to see." Hikari just kept staring at her. I snapped my fingures  in his face to get his attention. "Anybody in there?"

"What?" Hikari asked, snapping out of his daze. "So this is Kysandra?" He asked.

"Yes I am." Kysandra responded. "And you must be the Priest of Suzaku."

"I'm not sure about that." He said. "I hope I'm not."

"Well I'm pretty sure about to be wrong." She said, walking towards the palace. "But, let's go check, shall we?"

A/n HOLY CRAP I'M BACK. YUP SO SCHOOL HAPPENED AND IT SUCKS SO IM VERY SORRY. BUT THIS CHAPTER IS LONGER HOPEFULLY. But seriously I hopefully will have the next chapter out sooner. (But I will probably upload on the time schedule as Dan lol) But yah hope you enjoyed and stay cool!


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