Chapter 2~The Female Bandit

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Hikari's POV

Why is my bed so hard? I wondered sitting up, then I remembered. I bolted up and scanned my surroundings, we were in a giant forest and I had woken up on the solid, hard ground. I looked around and found my parents laying against a tree, I ran over to them and shook them awake. My parents jerked up and looked a me sleepily, then they looked around and their eyes widened, but my mom stood straight up and looked me straight in the eye with a fierce glare. "W-what?" I stuttered under her gaze.

"You just had to turn the page didn't you Hikari! You couldn't have just closed and returned like we asked! But no!" she said angrily, while she started pacing. "I thought this was all over after the whole Mayo incident, but no! We just had to go back here! For what reason?! I already summoned Suzaku! Twice! I just..." she trailed off after ranting. "I'm sorry Hikari, I shouldn't blame you for this, you didn't know." she apologized guiltily. My dad walked over to her and started whispering to sooth her.

"It's fine, but I just have a few questions, like how do you know of this book? What do you mean you have been in it before? And how did you summon Suzaku?" I asked, very confused. I was in a strange place, which was apparently a book and my parents some how know about it! What is happening?!

"Well to start off," my dad started saying, "We know about this book because, your mother was the priestess of the god Suzaku and I know of it because I was a character in it." he said. I stared at him in shock, How could a character in a book come out of it? And what character was he? I thought. "I was the character Tamahome." he finished.

"My teacher said Tamahome was one of the celestial warriors along with six others, is that true?" I questioned them, My dad simply nodded. "Then how did you summon Suzaku and come out of the book?" I asked again.

"Well," my mom started, "Since I was the priestess of Suzaku, I had to collect all the seven warriors in order to summon him. And when Suzaku is summoned he gives you three wishes, one of them was to reincarnate Tamahome into our world and he came out as Taka Sukunami." she answered. I was in awe, my parents met each other in a story book and got married and had me, this was all too weird, and I wanted to get out of it as quickly as possible.

"Well since the back story is over, why don't we try getting out of here, since it seems that Mom wants to so badly." they nodded and we started walking farther into the forest, trying to look for a way out of of here, when suddenly my mom spoke up.

"This forest looks really familiar..." she started, then she remembered, "Oh! It's where Hotohori and Nuriko and I were walking through the forest and then a trap was sprung, then Hotohori saved me, but after that we were knocked out and were taken to a bandit hideout, and soon after that we met Tasuki!" she smiled happily. "Hopefully there are no more bandits or traps!" she announced hopefully.

And as if she jinxed it, she tripped a rope and down came a block with spikes on them, but my dad saved her before she was stabbed. I was running towards them to see if they were okay, however before I could even take five steps, I felt a sharp pain in my back and was knocked into unconsciousness.

Kaze's POV

More intruders, I thought as I looked over to see the people we captured, It's so annoying to capture them and bring them back to camp, well at least I get more points from Dad! I smiled at that thought, if I brought back enough intruders back, he'd decrease the number of people that "protect" me, even though I do most of the fighting.

As I walked over to the intruders, I couldn't help but notice their strange clothes. The woman had brown hair and seemed to be wearing what looked like a kimono, but with short sleeves and more of a flowy bottom. The man had greenish blue hair and wore a white shirt and brown pants and some short shoes that looked like boots, but weren't. Finally, the boy had brown hair and was wearing somewhat of a cloak that went down to his waist that was black, he had blue pants that was made from some foreign material. I wonder where they could have come from...I wondered as I called my "bodyguards" over with the cart. We have a small cart to put the people we captured in. What? Did you think we were gonna carry three body's all the back to camp?

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