Chapter 3~ Catching Up

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Kaze POV

I stood there, my mouth hanging open at the scene that I had just witnessed in front of me. What? How? What is this I don't even...I thought, finally closing my mouth, while rubbing my forehead. I looked over at my dad and saw that he had walked over to Miaka and Taka, knelt down infront of them and conversed quietly with them, smiling and laughing. My dad untied them and stood up with them, having a group hug. I was still stuck here with the kid that had the girly name. Okay, I'd had enough, "Dad who are these people!" I asked him, confused. At my question, he turned to look at me and walked over with the others in tow.

"Remeber when you were little, I used to tell you of stories of me when I was a celestial warrior?" he questioned me, while smiling. I nodded at him, and he continued, "Well the priestess in the story is standing right in front of you and another celestial warrior reborn!" he grinned gesturing to the people next to him. I stood there my mouth open in shock. These are people from my favorite stories as a kid! I didn't think they were still alive!

"So you must be Miaka Yuki," I said gesturing to the brown haired woman, "And you must be Tamahome!" I said pointing at them. "But wait, if your the priestess and and your a celestial warrior, then who is this kid?" I questioned pointing to Hikari.

"I have a name ya know!" he yelled at me, as I ignored him. I just stared questioningly at them, trying to figure out who this kid was.

"Kaze please just untie him, then they will tell you." my dad said in a relaxed voice. Okay lets do this, hopefully he won't punch me. I took out my fan just in case. I bent down behind Hikari and starting untying him. He stood up and went right to his parents, while I walked to my dad. Now that he had gotten up, I could better see what he looked like.Okay time for answers. I thought as I made my way over to him. I just had one simple question for them.

"Now, who's the kid?" I looked at Hikari, who was glaring at me, then I remembered. "Oh, I'm sorry I meant Hikari." I stated sarcastically with a fake apologetic smile on my face.

"Hikari is our son." Taka stated simply. No crap. I thought sarcastically.

"And exactly how did he come here? I mean I'm not surprised you guys are here because you have been here already." I asked curiously.

"We are still wondering about that, I mean usually it's just the priestess and any other celestial warriors that come back here not any others because Hikari--" Taka suddenly stopped talking, thinking hard. "Miaka do you remember what happened with Mayo?" he asked his wife.

"Yes, she came in here and took Hikari with her, in her, when I was pregnant with him.." Miaka thought harder, trying to come up with something, "Then there was a red light shining from way." she said in disbelief.

"What? What is it?" Hikari asked, confused.

"Hikari was the Shinzaho, so I thought, Mayo and I just used him as a medium to summon Suzaku but..." Miaka trailed off. I thought this over for a second, and suddenly remembered something, I forgot to tell Dad, but I guess nows a good time as any...

"Hey, I just remembered something that I forgot to tell you and it kinda relates to this..." I told my dad. I had everyone's attention on me, Here goes nothing.

"What is it?" My Dad asked me, getting serious.

"Okay it's something that Kysandra told me and she said it was important..." I trailed off once again to wait for my dad's reaction. Here it comes. I thought

"How could you forget to tell me! She's the frickin princess of course it's gonna be important!" My dad yelled at me, as I flinched a little.

"Sorry..." I muttered looking down at my feet.

"No, it's fine, just continue. I'm sorry for getting worked up." My Dad stated, urging me to keep going.

"Ok, so she said that King Boshin and her were looking for someone, help the kingdom once again." I informed them.

"And who is this person?" My dad asked me, speaking the minds of everybody's question to me.

"The Priest of Suzaku."

Hey guys, guess who's back!! I did have this chapter finished awhile ago (to those who saw it, it wasn't finished that was an accident) so I had to take it down and restart! Guhhhhhhh! And the last one was so much better than this one. Oh well, at least it's here now. So I'm sorry it's short, but hopefully I'll be starting the next chapter soon, cause I already have an idea! So hope u enjoy! OH AND THANKS FOR ALMOST 700 READS AND ALMOST 90 FOLLOWERS OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!

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