2: Back to December/Sparks Fly

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When the announcement went public.

Kurt remembers where he was that day.

Of course, who couldn't?

It was the type of day that just wasn't right. The type of day where you'd hit your toe on the last step of the stairs, leave your card on the table, drop your ice cream on the ground, and probably embarrass yourself three times over.

Now, that was the type of day Kurt Hummel was having.

It was June of 2019, just a few days before Kurt's graduation. These days, Burt was his son's rock. His only constant. What with all of his school work, gigs, and what little jobs he had, Burt was always there to talk.

That morning, Kurt had locked himself out of his dorm building. His keys and key card were in the building. And it was noon, so most students wouldn't be coming back until at least 1.

A trickle of rain soon became a shower. Kurt's clothes began collecting water, so he retreated under the cover roof and fell to the the cement ground. Then, he took out his phone and called his dad. Because today was just not going the way he wanted. At all.

"Hey, kid."

But when Burt picked up, his voice was barely audible and crackly, like he hadn't had a glass of water in days.


Kurt had been silent. The fall of the rain on the ground, whirring firetrucks and blasting ambulances, an accompaniment to his poor apology.

"Sorry," he croaked. Because it just wasn't his day. Just wasn't anybody's day. Tears streaming down his face like the rain on the walls behind him.

"Kurt? What's wrong?" Burt's voice cracked in so many places. He'd been sick for a few days. This was the first time he'd been able to talk without coughing up a frog.

"I... I left all my shit in my room and I can't get back into the building. And yes, I've called everybody and no one can let me back in until 1. Dad, I'm cold and I don't have any money."

The line went cold.


"I think you should look at this, Kurt. I'm sending it right now."


The first time Kurt had seen him in the hallway, he had to do a double take.

Why was Blaine Anderson at McKinley high? Shouldn't he be back at Dalton?

Something in his head told him to turn around and say hi.

But he never did. He just kept walking.

Sam was Kurt's "first love" (whatever that means). What it really meant was they fooled around a bit. They found each other out, so to speak. But sometimes, they'd go out. Have a date or two. Be a real couple for once. But there just wasn't a big... Spark.

Somehow they found eachother in this big school. So that was something. Something good. Enjoyable. Malleable.

Before Kurt met Blaine, he thought that love was like what he had with Sam. That love was just growing up with somebody. That love was something you felt... Sometimes. Not forever.

But that was the thing. Kurt and Blaine weren't supposed to go to the same school. Kurt had his own shit to deal with, no money. He never got to escape McKinley and Blaine and him never really spoke.

And Kurt hadn't seen Blaine since meeting him. Up until that day. In the hall. Just then.

They exchanged a few messages as the days went on. Even said hi a couple times in the hall. It seemed that Blaine was very interested in Kurt's life (especially after he'd been left on a cliffhanger ever since that day in Dalton).

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