5: Enchanted

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Turns out, going slow isn't for the weak.

When Blaine' woke up this morning, he didn't think he'd be so close to Kurt. That is, he didn't think he would be in the same bed as Kurt. But y'know, things happen, and Blaine's not proud of them.

His choices that led him down this road. Having a sleepover with his ex Boyfriend, after leaving his fiance. Yay! So fun!

Just twenty minutes ago, Blaine climbed out of bed and started a shower.

Now, he's been standing, looking at himself in the mirror. The waters off and he's dry. Still dirty.

Look in the mirror
Who are you?
Where are you?

He begins another shower... A very steamy, hot, shower. When he jumps in, it's like fire brimming faux blisters on his skin. The wound on his hand gets brighter and brighter as liquid lava drenches him in it's warmth.

There's a knock on the door, a muffled, "Blaine, -urry up!"

"I'll be a minute!"

Kurt begins his morning routine outside the shower door. He looks himself in the eye as he brushes his teeth with mint toothpaste. Swishes his gums with mouth wash and spits. God, does he look disgusting.

There's a creak in the door. Kurt turns... And there's Blaine, white undershirt, boxers. Oh God,oh God.

"It's open," he murmurs, face flushed red.

His dark curls fall in his face, dripping water on to his shirt. Kurt gulps, nodding as he walks into the bathroom. Instantly, he is hit with a heatwave.

"Damn, and I thought I liked hot showers."


A Perfectly Normal Day in The Life With Kurt & Blaine.

While getting dressed, Blaine's phone buzzes on the night stand:

S: Your stuff is at a storage facility when you get back. Talk to Lester at the front office for the Key.

You are unable to send messages at the moment.

This is it. It's finally over between them? After five years, all that hard work... Just gone. Maybe it was only hard work because Sebastian wasn't working? Maybe it would be for the best that it ended so badly. In that kiss, the key to a happy life.

Cheat and get cheated multiple times and you still end up being your own savior at the worst of them.

Today, Kurt and Blaine will embark on the most treacherous, most daring, most breath-bating, thing they'll ever do!

Venice beach on a Saturday.

Together, they maneuver through the chaos, finding solace in the shade from the endless amounts of shops lining the walk there. As they walk, the sun beats down on them. They talk about the day. And there, like a glowing beacon in the dark night, is The Rose Venis.

A kale salad for Rachel, a pizza for Jesse and two mimosas for Kurt and Blaine's troubles. They take two to-go boxes and head on out. Back into the heat and the waves, back into the real world. They'll definitely be back here.

Outside, Blaine finds a bike renting shop and finds himself begging Kurt to ride to the hospital with him.

"Whose going to carry these?" Hinting at the very messy-if-dropped to-go boxes cradled in his hands.

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