4: Last Kiss/Speak Now

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The day Kurt knew he was going to graduate came and went.

Months of watching Blaine's life through pictures. Through a perfected lens. Blaine's perfect hands holding hands with some other guy. Blaine and his new friends.

It all seemed so distant. Kurt knew he was never going to fit into Blaine's life. Not when Blaine was out living a life without Kurt and was perfectly ok. Perfectly fine. Mr. Perfect face.

I loved you
I did
And when you left
I waited for your text
And it never came

"Kurt, I'm so proud of you."

It wasn't because of his dad that Kurt and Blaine broke up. It wasn't anybody's fault, really. But getting back on track was something he had to do on his own... At least, so he thought.

Nobody really knew if they would've worked out in the end. Rachel had her own things to say that made the pain slightly better. It was like mud. Tainted with soiled soil with no nutrients. And with a relationship like theirs, everything they did had love written all around it. So when they broke up, it still had a chance to be love.

Love wilts. Over time.

Fondness grows into apathy. Want grows to disgust. Shame.

Kurt deleted Blaine's number one day. Never put it back. Never asked for it from their friends. Never denied not loving Blaine.

When you hate yourself, you accept whatever love is given to you. You accept somebody's offer to kiss you when your eyes are closed. At the lake.

And you start to remember the pictures of Him. You still get those chills. Those thoughts that he thinks of you as much as you do him. And then it's a month later and you're drunk and all you want is a person to hug you all night long.

"Sam, please."

Two words.

They were enthralled with each other. Not in love.

There was this new sexiness. This rebellion in ever touch, every kiss to the neck. There was a movement of music in the way their hands fell and alligned almost perfectly.

For a couple like Sam and Kurt, Vegas wasn't completely out of the picture. According to Sam, the end of the world was ever approaching, and getting married was the only way. The only way Kurt would ever be happy.


It was all bullshit, Kurt knew that. He knew it and he still agreed to do it.

The day of nationals was the day they got married. In Vegas. Risky, yes, but not wholly impossible.

You see, their getaway car took them to the airport. From there, they'd get on a flight to LAX, get in another getaway car to the auditorium and rush in as soon as the first song began. (Finn didn't die in my version so this isn't incredibly disrespectful and insensitive).

Being married to Sam had it's quirks. Especially after they both realized that the earth, in fact, wasn't going to implode in on itself anytime soon.

Sam was jobaphobic. He didn't want to put himself out there, said he'd worked so hard as a teenager, and never expected to be so burnt out in his 20s. All day, Sam would stay in the same spot on the couch and play videogames until his eyes were bloodshot.

"Did you smoke or something?"


While they were together, there was this palpable tension. The, "I love you" tension. And if you think husbands should at least love each other, then maybe that's your problem.

Speak Now (Klaine's Version)Where stories live. Discover now