Chaper 15

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"They'll irritate your eyes at first." Alice says as she places contacts into Bella's eyes, making them appear bark brown instead of their bloody red.

"If anything, is not to move too fast." Carlisle says as Alice moves away, give giveing his piece of advice.

"Try taking a seat and crossing your legs." Esma ask and Bella rises from her seat before getting up and vamping across to the large chair across the room by the piano, the slowly crossing her legs.

"Maybe a tad slower." Valentine remarks with a tiny chuckle, Jake puts his thumb and index fingers together with more then a little space in between with a nod.

"And blink at least three times a minute." Alice says and Bella blinks rapidly before slowing down with another blink, a furrow of her brows.

"Good" Alice says with a positive nod. Bella smiles and nods.

"For cartoon character," Valentine says, though it goes wholly ignored.

"Hold your breath, it'll help with the thirst." Carlisle suggest.

"Just don't forget to move your shoulders so it looks like you're breathing." Edward tells her with a smile.

"And don't sit so straight." Rosalyn says "humans dont do that." she finishes.

Valentine gives her a look, "Do I not sit straight?" He asked. Rosalyn looks him up and down before saying, "your a mage."

"A human with magic, this is all just training." Valentine says, and Rosaline let's out a tiny laugh.

"Ok, I got it." Bella says finally, standing up a bit to fast. "Move around, blink, slouch." She says like a check list.

"He's pulling up." Jake tells Valentine who gives a nod.

Alice, Carlisle, Esma, and Rosaline goes out to greet him. Esma giveing Bella a encouraging smile.

It was a few more minutes before Charlie came in, looking worried but relived to see her.

"Bella?" Charlie said, more like a question.

"Hi dad." Bella says, her voice nervous as she speaks.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Never better, healthy as a hours." Bella reassures. Charlie looks back at Jake and Valentine, before his eyes falls back on Bella.

"You dont turn into a animal or float people too do you?" Charlie asked, tilting his head. Valentine let's out a snort of laughter. Bella smiles, shaking her head no. Valentine walks up to his had and pat him on his sholder.

"She wishes she was that awesome." Valentine says, and Charlie smiles, no fear of judgment in his eyes.

"Let's give them some privacy." Edward says. Valentine parts his sholder once more before he heads out with Jake. Everyone else feeling out the room.


"You think it gonna go okay?" Valentine asked when they weren't surrounded by people.

"I hope so." Jake says. Valentine sighs, before he rested his forehead on Jake's sholder, Jake wrapping him up in his arms.

"I hope I didn't do anything stupid." Valentine mumbles.

"You didn't. I know you, and you don't do stupid things. You trust Charlie, this is a good thing." Jake assures, and Valentine smiles into his sholder.


"You guys are so childish." Jake's says as he watched Emmitt carry a giant ass bolder infront of he and Bella.

"Childish, but fun." Valentine says.

4 twilight: Braking Dawn Part 1&2 Jake X Male OcOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant