Chapter 22

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A chance, threatening since fill the wintry field. Then a scent so familiar, so welcoming washed over the air. "Alex," Edward mumbled under his breath as Aro dramatic gasp of surprise.

"Alice." Aro echos. It's been a know fact he's wanted the vampire on his side for a long time. Alice and jasper walks with confidence steps. The walk pass the cullens and wolfs, giveing them a knowing look as they make there way to the Volturis. When they got close enough, three vampire stoped them in there track.

"My dear dear Alice were so glad to see you after all." Aro says, his voice condescendingly kind.

"I have evidence the child won't be a risk to our kind!" Alice says, giving them all a shock. "Let me show you." She offers, letting a hand slip through the three vampires blocking there path. 

Aro's hands go up, gesturing for them to go throw.  Alice pushes through the upset vampire, and Jasper gives them a smug smile, for which he is slaped for.

When she gets to Aro, he grabs her hand. The air was tense before Alice speaks. "It doesn't matter what I show you." She says, pulling her hand back. "Even when you see, you sill won't change your decision." She says, then turns back to the the wolfs and vampire, mouthing one word.


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