Chapter 21

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"Do you dare die." Valentine says to Jake as they stand ready to fight on a cold wintery field.

"I won't, and neither will you." Jake promised, squeezing Valentine's hands in reassurance.

"Let's hope we don't need to fight." Carlisle says from infront of them.

"Let's hope." As if summoned by the word hope alone, the Volturis step into view, walking slowly and gracefully. There covered in long black cultists gowns, there heads covered by the hood. It flows as they walk, a creepy sight to see.

There a entire fleet of them, but the leaders, the ones at the front, the inside of there capes are a blood red.

Jake's pack of wolfs howls, and there's there's lot of them. They come from behind trees, showing the massive, intimidating forms.

Jake slowly let goes of Val hand, before he makes his transformation into the gorgeous, amber brown color. He nuzzles his side against Valentine. He's almost as tall as him, and he's definitely taller then Bella.

Once all of the Cullens side arrives, the main, most powerful members of the volturis take of the hoods, reviling there faces.

Carlisle walks forward, showing that he's the leader of the Cullens, but not of the wolfs.

"Aro, let use discuss things as we used to. In a civilized manner." Carlisle says, standing tall, his words smooth and calm.

"Fair words, Carlisle. But a little out of place, giveing the battalion youve assembled against us." Aro speak, his world having a slight accent to them.

"I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken." Carlisle explains  trying to alleviate some of the suspicion.

"We see the child. Do not treat us as fools." One of Aro's men speaks up, hostile and harsh.

"She is not a immoral! These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look " Carlisle say. He takes in a deep breath, before looking behind him to Renesmee, holding out his hand. "See the flush of human blood in her cheeks."

"Artifce!" The same man from before argues.

Aro holds up his hands to silence him, "I will collect every facet of the truth." He lowers his hand, a condescendingly smirk on his face. "But from someone more central to the story... Edward." He announces the name like he's been wanting to do it for years.

"As the child clings to your newborn mate." He spits the word mate like a insult, "I assume you are involved." Aro takes a few steps forward, his hand out for the vampire.

Edward looks at his family, before he goes to Aro. As he walks to him, Bella uses her shield to protect him from any unwanted attack. But as Edward walked further, the harder it is to do, untill he walked out of her range of power completely.

When Edward is within touching distance, Aro reaches a hand to his, encapsulating Edward's hand in both of his. After a few seconds, Aro smiles wide, letting out a sound of complete wonder. He lets the hand drop. Aros eyes are glazed over in awe, before he shakes out of it, his eyes falling on Renesmee.

"I'd like to meet her." He says quietly, a smile forming on his lips. Edward looks like he's waging a internal war, before he turns around slowly. Bella grips Renesmees hand tighter, and Valentine gracefully jumps onto Jake's back. The walk to the ancient vampire slowly and cautiously.

Once they get there, Valentine says, voice low and dangerous. "Don't try anything." Aro turns to the mage, sensing his power, and smiles. "Valentine, the mage." He greets, before his attention is drawn back to Renesmee.

"Young Bella, immortality becomes you." Aro smiles wide, it's to sharp, to predatory like to be taken as anything other than condescending and threatening. He looks to the child, listening for a heartbeat, one he finds. His eyes widens as he lets put a creepy, high pitches laughs.

"I hear her strange heart." He says, his hands out in wonder. Renesmee looks up to her mother, who smiles warmly at her. It's permission to walk forward. She does so.

"Hello Aro." She says once reached. She looks down at the offerdd hand, but she doesn't grip it. No. She goes to light touched his face, giveing his her power.  Her memories. Aro stears her in the eyes, wonder and awe as he whispers  "magnifico" under his breath. He pulls back slowly, and Renesmee drops her hand.

"Half mortal. Half immoral." He says, turning back to his coven. "Conceived and carried by this... newborn." He turns back to eye Bella, "while she was still human."

"Impossible!" The man for early hiss in utter disbelief. Aro turns to him abruptly.

"You think they fooled me, brother?" Aro asked him threateningly. The others turned around and walked away, Valentine petting Jake's furniture for his and his own comfort.

"Bring the informer forth." The vampire with blond hair speak, his eyes still on Aros. It was like every vampire excorted her up, shining in a way that forced her to walk up to them. Her head was hung low in shame and fear

"Is that the child you saw?" The vampire asked. The woman looked at Renesmee hesitantly, "I-im not sure."

"Jane." The blond men warned

"Shes change. This child is bigger." Jane says, her voice high and panicked with the acid tange of fear.

"Then your allegations were false." He says softly, but no less dripping with condescension.

"The cullens are innocent." Jane says firmly. "I take full responsibility for my mistakes..." she looks over to her coven, "I'm sorry." She whispers.

Two vampire steps up, another to the side, a flame lit.

"Caius, no!" Edward calls in alarm. But it was to late.

With practice ease and no mercy, her arms where yanked off, she cried in agony and her sisters yells her name, rushing forward just as another rips her head clean off. Just like that, the fire lit her body a flame.

Her coven rushed forward, driven by anger in a pain at the lose of one of there own.

Valentine waved his hand, stop the fours sister. It put a strain in his body, but it was enough to let the othere get ahold of them.

"Let me go!" Tanya, on of the sisters cryed.

"Tanya, it's what they want, but if you attacked them, well allcried. Edward says. His words stop her struggles, and they give up.

Edward heaves a sigh of relief, nodding his appreciation to Valentine just before he collapses in pain.

The vampire with the power to whisper the word 'pain' had activated her power, but it porove useless when Bella gave Edward her shield.

Edward, still in pain, but a lot less, got up, walking to Bella. Once the women figure out what was happing thanks to Bella extremely bad poker face, she was about to charge forward, driven mostly by ego before Aro stoped her.

The stood at a stand still for multiple seconds before her brother summoned his dark fog, but Aro put a stop to that with a raised hand.

After a tense minute, Carlisle spoke up. "Aro, we have broken no laws here."

"Agree." Aro says. "But does it then follow that there is no danger?" Aro says, walking up. "For the fist time in our history, humans pose a threat to our kind. There moder technology  has given birth to a weapon that could destroy us. Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative." Aro says, giving his speech loudly and he says his head at his own words.

"In such perilous times, only the know is safe. Only the know is tolerable. And we know nothing, of what this child will become. Can we live with such uncertainty? Spare ourselfs a fight today, only to die tomorrow." He speaks it like he means in, but Valentine can sense he just wants a fight.

Needs a fight.

OMG! I'm almost complete with this series. So many words have I written, so many books have I completed. I didn't know I could wrote this much my god! But alas, in one or two more chapters, this book will be completed. I don't know if I'm happy to be done or sad to let it go.

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