Chapter Seven: House of Wolves

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"Party... Why did you dye your hair red anyways?"

Party Poison turned his head to the bunk bed next to his. The moon shone on his hair, crowning him with a crown of dark silver. The aisle between them, littered with tissues and clothes and random desert objects, suddenly seemed as wide a gap a sea.

"I guess I didn't want to be... Who I was before anymore," Party confessed. He looked at the bunk above him. Kobra Kid was asleep. Good. He didn't want to wake his baby brother so late.

But you want to fuck the guy opposite to you older than Mikey by a year, and that's alright?

"That's sad..." Fun Ghoul's eyelids drooped a bit. "I liked you."

Gerard wanted to leap up, run over, and kiss the fuck out of him.

Party Poison remembered what had happened in the dream. His danger instinct was going gaga.

So he just stared in shock at the boy.

"I'm sorry," Frank yawned. "I'm horrible for waking you up to tell you something like this. I'm so sorry." He turned back to face the wall. "I'm a bad man."

"You're a fucking angel."

He turned back, hazel eyes sparkling with excitement. "I... I didn't know that."

Fuck. Party Poison thought. Fuck this all. Fuck everyone, fuck them all. Fuck Frank, most of all.

He gritted his teeth together. "Stop making me do weird things in the middle of the night, Ghoul," he muttered. "Forget I said anything."

I'm gonna burn in hell for this.


"Get the batteries and go," Dr. Death told them.

So they went. Driving closer to the zones, rushing to a battery machine, getting a shitload of them.

Easy peasy pumpkin peasy. Pumpkin pie, motherfucker.

"Got it now?" Party Poison shouted to Kobra Kid. He was stupid to let his baby brother go alone.

Kobra Kid made an 'ok' sign with his hand.

"Run now, if they catch you they'll never leave you alone!"

He ran top speed towards the car.

Faster. Please, Mikey, faster.

"Done, bro!" He dumped the batteries in the car with a thump. "We can go now. Can you drive, Ge-"

Gerard couldn't.

The nightmare black was back. It seeped through the poison red from the roots.

"Ray..." He said through gritted teeth. "Drive the car, now, I need... Need Steve to help me."

The world became as black as his hair.

He saw blood--Frank's blood, Mikey's blood, Ray's blood, her blood--dripping down the walls in the blinding white hallways of the BL/ind headquarters.

He saw himself lying on the floor, face-first, the blood sticking his poison red hair together. His fingers were clawing the floor, slowly bringing him down the corridor to where Mikey was.

This is what will happen if you decide to go against us, Gerard Way.


Your friends will die. She, your last hope, cannot help you anymore. You will be alone, while the citizens of BL/ind live peacefully.

Do you want to condemn your friends?

He felt Korse's words like a kick to the stomach.

Frank would die.

Ray would die.

Mikey would die.

"Keep Mikey safe for me, won't you, Gee-boy?" His mother had told him.

But he couldn't keep Mikey safe. All because he wanted to defy the fucking government.

What use was it?

He closed his eyes and shut out the horrible scene of blood in front of him, the tears rolling clear through the dust and grime just like when he was five.

The steel corpses didn't seem important anymore.


Fun Ghoul was sitting by his side again.

"Is that what would happen?" His eyes were wide with fear again, his choppy black hair U combed and hanging in his face.

The sun was rising slowly, the clear tracks were glowing in the half light.

"Is that what will happen?" He asked. "Am I really... Really the weapon they decided to use? Am I going to send you all to your death?"

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