Chapter 15

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Cas was standing once again by Gabriel in the strange realm. "Really," Gabriel had said, "Do you realize that I was just about done here?" He pulled out his mp3 player, "And here I was thinking that I was going to finish before my playlist was done."

"It wasn't like I needed him. I can take care of myself."

"As much as I would like to continue to agree with you I have work that needs to be done." He placed the headphones back on his head, "Besides I don't want you to miss your rude awakening."

"What do you-" Cas instantly felt pain as the punch hit him square in the nose.

"Wake up or so help me." Alice raised her fist in the air once again.

"Stop, Stop!" Cas was guarding his face as she let go of his shirt.

"Get up." Alice barked. Cas slowly picked himself off the side of the riverbed. Alice rolled her fist again and punched him square in the jaw, "That's for trapping me in a mandala." Swiftly she kneed him in the groin, "That's for stealing my crossbow." Thrusting her leg outward she knocked the wind out of Cas, "And that's for leaving me for dead!" When Cas thought she was done he began to speak, but Alice was quicker than him as she stuck a knife in his leg and let it stay there with a twist.

He screamed out, "What was that for?"

"For letting me get in so many hits without retaliation." She folded her arms. "I know for a cat you could have blocked every single one of those hits."

Cas pulled the knife from his leg. "Ouch, you know you really didn't have to go to that level of severity."

"Quit crying you can always cast a healing spell." As Cas drew the same symbol as he had on Eli he felt a numbing sensation fully envelope him. "My crossbow please."

"Um, how's about no," he spat. "Please come again in about three years and then I'll tell you were I hid it."

"Really," she sounded exasperated. "Cas I have been through hell and high water for the past day trying to get out of those woods."

"And you don't realize that I would rather have some collateral so that you don't try to kill me."

"What makes you think that I won't try to kill you now?" She pulled out another knife.

"Because I'm not dead just yet." 

"Fine," she put the knife back into her belt. "You know sometimes your too smart for your own good."

"Why do you even want it that badly?" In Cas' mind formed a new symbol, a compass.

As he scrawled it on his wrist Alice said, "Because it's not just a crossbow, it's a special made demon hunting relic that slender man was guarding."

The point of the compass turned to true north and Cas began to walk. "Oh, so that's why you were there."

"Yes," she said keeping up the pace. "And without that Michael's Guild will become suspicious about what happened in the woods that night."

"Well that's just ridiculous you can always tell them what happened yourself."

"See about that." Alice stopped where she was. "I actually wasn't supposed to go in the woods."

"What!" Cas spun around.

"I'm not of actual age to take up arms. I'm only supposed to do scouting." She looked like she was about to panic, "If I don't get that crossbow then I can't be forgiven, I'll humiliate my father and he will be angry that I was trick by a mentor and his initiate."

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