Chapter 9

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Alia's breath of disbelief was quickly replaced by betrayal. Had Bree been holding back for the last three weeks? Had she always been able to sneak into her defenses, but never bothered to try? She had thought she was helping the girl, not playing into a pity spar. Arms extended, her hand found a vine and she latched onto it hastily, momentum catching her shoulder hard. She locked the vine between her feet, relieved when it didn't give. After a brief respite, she hauled herself back up to the platform, pulling herself back onto the mossy surface with some effort. A drop of sweat slid down her temple and dripped from her chin, the sun burning down on the back of her neck.

Bree was sitting cross legged on the moss across from her, waiting patiently.

"You... are in such... a crappy mood today," Alia panted, standing with some effort. "What is your deal?"

Bree just scowled and looked away irritably. Irrational annoyance rose in her like a tidal wave. Oh, hell no. Bree did not get to shove her off a platform from fifty meters up and then have the audacity to be upset with her.

"Get up," Alia snapped, and Bree wearily pushed herself to her feet, brushing off her knees. "When did you learn to move like that?"

"Locke said I was making him look bad," she answered, scowling like his name was a sour taste in her mouth.

"Locke?" she repeated, the word a breath of disbelief. "Since when did you two get so close?"

Bree just stared at her. Jealousy reared its ugly head, and Alia forced it down. There was no way Top felt anything but professional mentorship toward the sickly, short-haired girl in front of her. No way that a girl who couldn't even draw a bow would catch his eye. And there was no way in hell that she was going to let Bree of all people, the bottom of the class, publicly defeat her in a midterm.

"You caught me by surprise," Alia conceded, taking a steadying breath. "You won't get lucky twice."

She squared up on her roommate, lunging forward with vitriol. It was no contest. Bree avoided the swipe that would have caught her in the throat but made no effort to counterattack as Alia pinned her on the ground in seconds, her knee pressed firmly into the small of Bree's back.

She tapped, but Alia felt no trickle of triumph. It was an unearned victory, a complete cop out, and they both knew it. She made a noise of frustration, shoving herself to her feet and turning without a word. Most of the other spars were still ongoing, and the dragons circling them were closing in, brushing against platforms and interrupting the stability of other recruits, or sending tendrils of flame over their heads.

It was an incredible training opportunity, and the first round felt like a complete waste. Alia dropped from the platform and climbed her way down, jaw aching from clenching her teeth. At least Luca would put up a decent fight. That, she had no doubt of.

The spars came to a close after a few minutes, the pop of a flare gun triggering the end of the first round. The Riders broke formation, grounding themselves in a loose circle around the field, and Alia watched Locke dismount from his skyling. Bree was just dropping to the ground as he approached them.

She waited for any kind of feedback, even a simple nod acknowledging her victory would have been enough to lift her spirits, but he just crossed his arms and waited, expression unreadable as Bree finally joined the group, eyes meeting Locke's.

Alia felt the tension like a tangible weight between them. She glanced back and forth between her team leader and her roommate, brow furrowing.

"Come with me."

There was no question who he was speaking to. He turned away and Bree wordlessly followed. Alia noticed the girl's hands curl into fists at her sides as she passed. She wasn't sure what she was witnessing, but it sure didn't seem like a lovers' quarrel.

"Who pissed in his cereal this morning?" Luca wondered aloud. Alia shook her head.

"She was practicing her draw last night and Top couldn't find her. Maybe she's getting booted for breaking curfew."

Luca scoffed.

"She still can't draw a fucking bow? That's pathetic." He eyed their backs as they disappeared into the command building, frown deepening into a scowl. "They can't kick her out now, she knows too much."

"You're ridiculous," Alia sighed.

"We both know she sucks. If she's really one of us, why wasn't she dropped from the program when she failed her exams?" he challenged. "You know what she said to me when I confronted her about the fire?"

Alia had seen him lose it on her, his rapid hits nearly snapping her ribs before she'd been able to break them up, but she had no idea what had transpired before then.

"That you're an ass for bringing up the siege on Verum two days after you met her?" she guessed, fingers toying with the end of her braid.

"She said my dad found out the truth, and the Citadel wanted him to burn with everyone else."

A chill that had nothing to do with the cool breeze traveled down the entire length of Alia's spine.

"Gods," she muttered. "Did she say what he found out?"

He stared at her like she was crazy.

"Are you kidding? She's Verumese. They indoctrinate their kids to believe all kinds of wack shit about us. If by some miracle she ends up on the back of a dragon, we'd be safer on the front lines than fooling ourselves into thinking she fights for us."

He met Alia's eyes.

"I've got your back, Bennett, and I know you have mine, but don't kid yourself into thinking that just because she's weak she isn't dangerous."

She rolled her shoulder, uncomfortable, but didn't say anything.

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