Chapter 17

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Bree passed a hand over her eyes, exasperated as Sinclair snapped at the saddle in the flight instructor's hands, teeth sinking straight through the fine leather. The black dragon ripped it from his grip, hurling it to the side with a snarl. The instructor backed away, hands raised.

If she could just get him to hold still for a minute I could have him sized and they would be gone. I came to the Corps to fit trained dragons, not feral fire-breathing—

Bree focused on the smell of wild grass and petrichor, the instructor's thoughts muting to soft background. His voice in her head quieted, like a conversation being held just within earshot, and she was once again able to hear herself think.

"Could you please explain to him that this will not harm him in any way—?" the instructor tried, and Sinclair snarled in his face, interrupting his plead.

"Sinclair," she called, and he ignored her, baring his teeth as the instructor's assistant brought out another saddle, keeping a respectful distance. "Sinclair!"

She kicked his foreleg when he continued to ignore her and the dragon's head whipped around, dark eyes boring into hers.

"They're just trying to measure you," she reached for his snout, an attempt to calm him, and he jerked his head out of her reach.

You're leagues away from having the skill to ride me, his voice was cold as ice, the words cutting through her muted mindscape. I am not a hatchling from the Bondery, nor am I a horse for you to mount when you please. Tell your idiot of an instructor that.

She met the instructor's expectant gaze with a sheepish one of her own.

"He says, um, no thank you for now," she translated, the disbelief coloring his thoughts only making her blush deepen.

Why did you bother choosing me if you were only going to fight every step of this process? She asked, annoyed.

I was saving your life, not enlisting for a war that is none of my concern.

I didn't enlist for this war either, but unlike you I'd rather learn to survive than bite the hands trying to help! I'm not good at fighting, or weaponry, I'm pretty much a runt like you, but—"

Sinclair lunged, pinning her to the ground with a growl that made the very air vibrate. The assistant screamed, and the instructor ran toward her, only for Sinclair's tail to lash out, swatting him aside.

Watch your tongue, he hissed, baring his teeth at her, and she turned her head away stubbornly.

"Why do I have to listen to you?" she mumbled, stubbornly turning her head away. "You never listen to me."

He hissed at that, but begrudgingly backed up, releasing the pressure on her chest. She sat up, one hand delicately covering her side. Despite his weight, none of his talons had so much as pierced the fabric of her uniform.

Stupid human, he spat at her, turning and preparing to launch himself from the sky.

She jumped to her feet.

If you're trying to get away from me, you'll have to try harder than that, she challenged, using the same tone he used with her. I may not be strong, but I'm very fast. She was sure he would just ignore her, but after a beat of silence, his wings hesitated, thrumming with energy.

Who cares? No one can outrun a dragon in flight. She could feel his sliver of curiosity, and he sensed her disagreement. His tongue flickered in her direction. You couldn't possibly, he answered the direction of her thoughts.

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