Chapter 14

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It's unreasonable and risky. The commander hasn't even seen—

Oh my Gods it's too early to even think, where did I put my—

Starting to get colder, I should—

Can't believe I have to—

Time to get up—

Bree's eyes flew open and she jerked upright, face and neck shining with sweat.

"I'm dreaming," she whispered out loud, then clapped her hands over her ears as voices continued to overlap with one another, echoing in and out of her head like a mallet against a drum.

If Luc used all the hot water again I'm going to kill him.

She can't just pretend things will work out...

I wonder if Top is up yet? You're dumb, of course he is—

Bree's breaths started to come in quick, rapid gasps. She dragged her nails down her arm, pain flaring in her skin.

"What the hell is happening to me?" she breathed, the scar on her collarbone prickling painfully. Noise surrounded her on all sides, overlapping words and sounds creating a static layer in her mind. She stared around the room, wide eyed. Alia had moved into the room next to hers after Sinclair had demolished the bed frame, but that was definitely her voice winding through Bree's mindscape.

Wonder if that black monstrosity spent the night in that room, surely there are better arrangements...

Yes, that was definitely Alia. Was she hearing... thoughts?

But it wasn't just thoughts. She could hear water surge through the pipes on the wall, the high-pitched whine of the lamps in the room, her own heartbeat shunting blood through her body. Unable to think, she ripped open her door and tumbled out into the common room, where the noise only intensified.

Another exam coming up—

Miss having days off—

--really hungry, hope there's—

--can't believe she saw what happened! Stupid, stupid!

Bree ran out of the common room and into the main hall, only to immediately collide with her team leader. She fell back with a startled cry and he stumbled, catching her elbows.

"Gods, Squint, every time I see you you're running somewhere," Locke's voice made her eyes shoot up to meet his.

Has she been crying? What in the world is wrong now?

"I don't know!" she grabbed her head, shaking it back and forth.

Did she just... ?! No, there's no way. The feral dragon was one thing, but if she's a sensor...

"I don't know what that means," she buried her face in her hands as tears started slipping down her cheeks.

"Hey," Locke rested a heavy hand on her shoulder and pulled her around the corner, out of view of the other recruits just starting to make their way to morning drills. "Take a breath, Squint."

She did, and the rush of air expanding in her lungs was loud enough to make her dizzy.

"It won't stop, Top, there's so many sounds, I can't—"

"It's alright," his voice was surprisingly gentle. "Nothing is wrong with you, okay? When your dragon is nearby you develop a sixth sense through your bond. We all manifest them a little differently, but when it gets overwhelming the same rule applies. Focus on your own senses, one at a time. Start with smell." He crouched in front of her, gently pulling her hands away from her head. "Go on, what can you smell right now?"

She swallowed, eyes still wide and round.

"Wet stone," she answered, and he nodded encouragingly.

"Good. What else?"

"Smoke and leather."

He nodded, taking a mental note to shower the smell of flight time away before reporting for duty.

"How about taste?"

Her breaths began to slow, some of the color returning to her face.

"Bad. I haven't brushed my teeth."

His lips twitched.

"What do you see, Squint?"


"Be specific."

"Your eyes are tired, and you look like you haven't brushed your hair in three days."

He frowned. He'd meant more along the lines of her surroundings, but he supposed that one was on him.

"Let's move on to touch," he suggested.

"The floor. It's cold."

He nodded.

"Before you focus on what you can hear, I want you to make a sound. Talk to yourself, or hum, or just breathe, but make a sound that separates normal hearing from what you're sensing through your bond."

She closed her eyes, wet lashes against her cheeks, and her breathing hitched.

"Pay attention to your own breaths," Locke reminded her.

"C-can you think a little more quietly? Your anxiety is giving me a migraine," she told him, and he felt some of the color drain from his face. This was going to complicate everything. Bonds strengthened over time, and most Riders, after a year or two, were able to sense emotions, physical health, or in Locke's case, deception. For her to be able to hear thoughts the morning after the bond was made... he'd never seen anything like it.

"I get it, I create a lot of problems for you," she mumbled. "Can you think about it later?"

He reached for her, fingers gently wrapping around her forearm. He felt a strange trickle of warmth when she tensed but didn't pull away. "Listen to me very closely," he lowered his voice until it was barely above a whisper. "Captain Kaestner is going to have you and your dragon swear an oath to the corps. When she asks what your Vilsnek variant is, you are going to lie. You will tell her and anyone else who asks that you are an empath. The word sensor will never leave your mouth. Are you hearing what I'm telling you?"

She took several seconds to breathe, finally managing to find some semblance of calm. Her eyes were unreadable as she hesitantly turned her palm, gripping his forearm back in solidarity.

"I hear what you're not telling me," she whispered, her hand warm on his skin. "Thanks, Top."

The warmth burned hotter, curling in his chest with something almost like affection. The commander was right. He was too close to this, but team leaders protected their own, and he was the only protection she had. He dropped her arm.

"You report to her at eight. She's going to go over your modified schedule." Bree nodded, wiping her face and making her way back to her room.

"Oh, and Squint?"

She turned.

Locke offered her a crooked smile.

"Welcome to the Rider Corps." 

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