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Waking up was incredibly hard for me since last night I was beaten and raped half to death

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Waking up was incredibly hard for me since last night I was beaten and raped half to death. I groaned and opened my eyes but closed them quickly causing a slight headache to occur. I grab my head in slight annoyance. Fucking hell. I feel a slight throb between my legs and all the memories come back.

I get up and dress in a black sweater and black ripped jeans. I get out and walk the streets of Germany. I know what you're thinking. Why are you out when you just got beaten? Well, I need to have some space, and being in that cell that was not even locked wasn't going to cut it.

As I am walking down the streets I hear someone crying in an alleyway. I slowly walk toward them and see three guys and pinning a girl down. I walk up behind them and slit the one in the back throat.

That alerted the others and I threw the first punch. Right in the nose and heard the satisfaction of his nose crunching. I hate when people do this. I roundhouse the other making him hit his head on the concrete ground.

"Don't ever put your hand in another woman. Am I clear?" I snarled as I broke both their hands. They shake their heads up and down tears running down their face.

Someone put their hand on my shoulder and out of instinct I punched the guy in the face and laughed when I realized it was a police officer. I smile sheepishly and two more officers grab the other guy.

In my defense, the two pendejos were trying to rape a young girl," I tell them and they still don't listen. Now who are the pendejos? I huff. (Assholes)

Once we arrive at the police station they take me to an interrogation room. They cuff my hand to the bar on the table.

"Do you have any family?" The officer dumbass asked.I look at him with a raised brow and sit back.

"If I did I wouldn't be here now would I?" I ask tilting my head a little. He scowled.

"Well to be sure, we will have a swab done to make sure." He said and walked out.

"What! Do I not have a say in this!" I scream even though they can't hear me. I huff and wait.

I mean that's all I can do, right? Does Dimitri know that I left or is he beating the shit out of the other three for unlocking and leaving the door open. Hehehe. I hope they get the fuck tortured out of them.

The door opened and came the same ass. I looked at him and he does have a nasty ass bruise on his face making me smirk.

"The lab results came back and you have a family. You have five brothers and both parents. They will be here later in the evening." He said.

"What?" I shrieked. Oh hell no. I started struggling against the cuffs and only cut my wrists a little. I look up and see he has a smirk.

This only adds to my rage. I keep struggling and finally the metal bar broke causing me to grin like a sadistic bitch I am. I looked up and he ran out probably to get back up.

And I was right I rolled my eyes and walked past them.

"You might want to get a non rustic table." I yell out and grab keys to the cuffs. Once they are off I rub my wrists to ease the pain.Two pairs of hands drag me to a cell and throw me in.

"Couldn't be nice about it." I yell at them as I rub my arm.

I lay down on the bench and relax for a while. The only thing in my mind was......Did I really have a family.

I was in my office with my son's, Vincent ,Lorenzo, and Anthony

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I was in my office with my son's, Vincent ,Lorenzo, and Anthony. My wife sat next to me. I was going over the plan to attack the German shipments when my phone rang.

"Speak." I told coldly.

"Um yes is this Marcello Morzetti?" A guy asked me.

"What is this about? " I ask coldly looking at my son's and wife.

"Yes we are aware that your daughter Starlina Isabella Morzetti is here at the police station in River Town in Germany. I was wondering if you would want to pick her up." He says. My eyes widen and tears start to form.


"Yes I'm here and I would love to pick her up. I'll  be there this evening. May I ask why she is at my the police station?" I ask putting my phone on speaker and he huffs.

"Well we got a call that a girl was beating up three guys and when we went there she broke their hands and" he paused for a second " they were unresponsive. When I went to get her attention she hit me right in the face. So I took her in. And when she found out she had a family she looked pissed. So she broke the metal bar on our interrogation table and is in a cell waiting on you." He spoke with an annoyance.

When he started to tell us my son looked horrified and my wife was crying.

"Ok. What do you want me to do about it?" I asked smiling.

"Just come get this bit---" he was cut off.

"Why don't you say that to my face Fottuto stronzo!" She yelled at him and I laughed. (Fucking asshole)

"J-just come get her I don't want to die." He pleads and I chuckle.

"I'll be there later today. And if you call her another name I will beat your ass." I say and hang up.

"Did she curse?"Anthony asked shocked.

"Shes in jail!" Lorenzo yelled.

"When do we get her?"Vincent asked emotionless even tho I know he is excited.

"My baby is a badass!" Roxy exclaimed.

"We need to tell the others. Can you get them in here Lorenzo?" I asked and he nodded and left.

I hug Roxy and let the tears fall. We are going to get our Bambina back. The rest of the family comes in and they are shocked that I'm crying and smiling.

"So we got a call from Germany that your sister is at the police station." I say. Xander looks happy but confused with tears falling down.

Axel looks like stone like always. He took it the hardest since they were the closest.

"Vincent, Lorenzo, your mom and I will be flying there tonight and when we get home I expect you to be on your best behavior." I say mainly towards Axel. They say yes sir and leave.

The last thought on my mind was we were getting our Bambina back.

Second chapter. Do you like it?

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