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You wake up in Calums room. You were on the bed and he was nowhere in sight.


You whisper yelled. But no answer.

You went downstairs to see that Cal was in the kitchen with the boys.

"Morning Beautiful."

"Morning Handsome."

You said walking up to Him and kissing his cheek. And he whispered in your ear.

"All for show."

And you whispered back

"All for show"

You looked at the boys with puzzled looks on their faces and laughed.


You said poking Ashton's nose.

You sat down and Calum handed you a heart shaped pancake.


You said as he gave it so you.

"Why do we only get plain circles?!"

Like said upset.

"Because I'm not dating one of you."

He said looking At you.

Michael looked at you then Calum. He seemed sad. He barges out of the room throwing his plate to the wall making it shader.


You yell but he was already gone.

"What the hell Asia?!"

Luke said to you.


"You said you loved him and then you go date Calum?!"

You looked down at your plate and felt guilty. But then realized what he did.

"Well at least i didn't say love you then have sex on his bed."

They all looked at you with confused faces. You began to cry and Calum took you to his room.

"Stay here. I'll check to see in you need new bed sheets."

He left and came back a while later.

"Feel like shopping?"


You began to cry again and Calum pulled you into a hug.

"It's okay Princess."

Calum was like a big brother and you were his little sister. You both felt that way.

After getting to Target and buying a new TV, bed frame, and bed sheets(with pillows) you left.

When you got back they all looked at you weird getting everything to upstairs.

"What's all this about?"

Michael asked Calum when he comeback downstairs.

"You would know."

He said angrily walking away from Michael. you couldn't even go in your room. You had to wait in Calum's while he set everything up.

"All done."

"Thanks Cal."

You gave him a hug and went to your room. You sat on your new bed and felt gross. Even though it was new it still happened.

You began to cry again but this time louder than normal. You were hyperventilating and freaking out.

'Why would he do this? It's all my fault. He doesn't love me. What even is love?'

You walked into your bathroom and did what you always did when you were upset. You didn't even realize what you were doing until you started. Then you couldn't stop.

Cut. After cut. After cut.

You looked at your cabinet and opened it. A bottle of pills was awaiting you to swallow them.

You opened the bottle and plopped them all in your mouth. You quickly got a glass of water and swallowed without a second thought.

Somebody walked into your room say something along he lines of

'Asia don't think what you saw was true. Asia? Asia!'

The figure ran up to you and bent down to you on the floor. Your vision was blurry and couldn't tell who it was.

"Asia please don't go. Please Asia. Stay here.I...I love you."

You barely made out the words,

"Michael lied."

Then you blacked out.

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