Chapter 6

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After our second win the rest of Team V happily rested and ate while I went back into polishing my skills and pushing myself, if there was one thing I wanted to boost it would be my speed. I was confident in playing against a player with great physicality and breaking away but my speed was the only thing that I considered lacking.

A better acceleration speed would do me well and open up some more possibilities for plays, after training for a while I rested for the day while looking at the match replays and saw something that surprised me.

Team Z had their match with Team W two days after ours and the score surprised me.

Score: 3-2. Team Z win.

They're match didn't end in a draw and instead ended up as a win for them, I watched the footage, seeing a good combination between Isagi, Bachira, Kunigami, and Chigiri after Team W's 2 goals. The four had hard carried Team Z this match with Isagi scoring 1 goal because of Bachira, Chigiri scoring one because of his speed, and Kunigami scoring because of a good assist from Isagi.

Kuon hadn't betrayed them like the original which was weird but ultimately fine. With that win it means that they can move on even from a loss from us, which works better for me considering how I am envisioning the match to play out. Other than that slight discrepancy from cannon nothing was really standing out to me as different when I watched, I even looked back at their match against Team X again to see it go like it did in cannon.

Confused yet ultimately uncaring, I stopped watching the replays and went back into training and rest for another two days before our match with Team X.

Time Skip

Our team walked onto the pitch, my eyes looking over Team X before stopping on #10, Barou Shoei, I let out a small grin as I turned to Reo.

"#10 is mine, sorry but Nagi isn't gonna shine that much this match." Reo frowned for a second at my words before the whistle blew, starting the match as Team X started with the ball, following the play they always made, moving up before passing to Barou.

They always moved up in a way to make a play for Barou which meant to shut this formation down. "Then I just need to crush you." I got in front of Barou, making him glare before speaking.

"I'm the king of this field peasant, move!" He attempted a pass, making me move to block as he pulled back the feint as I followed and tapped the ball with the side of my foot, trapping it between my feet before pulling away. "Thanks fake king." With my steal the defense of Team X attempted to rush back, forcing the field into chaos as they attempted to block my way as one faced me head on.

'Your best trait is strength, a head on confrontation won't work so...' I flicked the ball up, going over the defenders head as another missed the ball with his slide from behind me.

'He did it at the exact moment I slid, how?' He thought, watching as Team V's number 7 shot the ball, aiming at the top right of the goal which hit, the GK missing the block.

Score: 1-0

"The four of you tried stopping me and you all failed." I spoke as I looked at the GK, the two defenders that attempted to stop me, and Barou himself. "Get your rank up a bit before you think of stopping me." Walking back to my side of the field, the game restarted as Barou rushed forward with the ball, intent on crushing me.

I knew just how to push him, his pride won't let him be talked down upon by a "peasant" and his ego grows when he shows just how much of a king he is, he has good enough awareness to not lose the ball from the people around but I moved my hand out to them to make this a one-on-one.

"You think you can take down the King!?"

"A King can easily fall to a good enough soldier."

Team X FW Barou Shoei


Team V FW Katsu Nanami


Barou pressed on, using his physical strength he believed to be able to beat me head on, and he would be right. I'm not a physical type, I'm leaner, I have strength but not as much as someone like Barou so ultimately in a test of strength. Barou wins.

I followed his moves, my eyes on his footwork and the ball's position as I aimed to kick the ball out from him, which was exactly what he wanted. He used my charge and executed a nutmeg, passing by me as he yelled.

"I am the King of this field!" His right foot shot forward, aiming for his signature spot, passing by the GK's head.

Score: 1-1

He let out a small victorious smirk, looking at me, expecting to see some surprise but what he got instead was a small smile.

"You're welcome for that "king", did you like the opening I gave you? It's the only one you'll get this match."

I walked away, intent on the restart as Barou looked at me while I walked away.

'He gave me that? He 'let' me score that?! Hell no! I'm the damn king, I'll crush you peasant.' He angrily thought before the match restarted.

I looked at the angry glare he gave me with a smirk, it was pleasing to see him register the fact that I gave him that goal, stoke the ego a little before crushing him.

'The one that dominates this field... is me.'

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