Mafiafell, It Had To Be Mafiafell

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Sleeping in Mafiafell was hell, as it was expected to be. Gunshots were occasionally heard from outside and you barely slept a wink, however Error had no issues- that skeleton could sleep through anything!

Jealousy consumed you as you heard him snore in your head. The sunlight peeked through the window as you stared at the blank ceiling, intent on trying to at least get some sleep before Error woke up.

It also didn't help that the walls were so thin you could hear the neighbors on the other side of the wall arguing last night about money and how they barely have enough to pay the protection fee tomorrow- the protection fee...

You honestly forgot those existed- which meant you had to get up and find the blasted money without your husband's help. Which was fine, he needed the sleep, you were just upset about the lack of it.

With great effort, you got out of bed and stood up, still wearing your clothes from the day before - you hated the nightwear here - and searched around for the money. If you couldn't find it that's fine, you'd just take some from the neighbors next door.

Stars know you could do happily without hearing them argue.

First, you had to dress appropriately for this AU, if you walked out now you'd stand out like a sore thumb . . . or a walking target - a target of attention you not Error wanted.

Going to the closest you put on the appropriate clothing, there weren't many options. You picked out the one that looked the most comfortable and changed, gently folding the clothes you previously had on and hiding them under the bed.

Then you headed to the bathroom, taking out a brush and scissors and styled it to fit the AU. You looked at yourself in the mirror once you were done, and to be honest, you didn't mind the look - you still hated the clothes.

"Error, love, are you awake yet?" You asked and were met with a loud snore that made you wince.

Of course he wasn't awake, you should've expected that, but did he have to snore so loud?!

Ignoring your husband for now, you walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, there wasn't much in there besides eggs, milk, and some wrapped meats. You sighed, deciding to eat the rest of the chocolate today and get some groceries later.

Luckily you also found the protection fees too, spotting them on top of the fridge - not a very smart place to put it - and used your strings to grab it.

You opened the box and were immediately met with disappointment. There wasn't a lot of money inside, just enough for the fee, but that was it. Was this universe's Y/n just an idiot? Probably.

That didn't matter anymore though, they were gone and not coming back. So, you took the rest of the money and searched the drawers for an envelope, putting the money inside once you found one.

A loud, sharp knock at your door caught your attention and you looked at the door, "Y/n! Ya better be awake ya ditzy, klutz! It's time for ya ta give the protection fees!" the voice was male, rough and deep, and they sounded more annoyed than anything.

"I won't pay for yer mistakes, when ya won't wake up- it'll be your life for it!" the man pounded on the door again and you marched over and opened it, "I'm awake so stop yer pounding, you'll damage mah door." You switched your words to adapt to the time here, so you wouldn't get questioned.

It was easy to do. You've done it before, but that time you didn't think ahead and mix up your words. They found you out quickly and by then it was too late for you. Once they caught you and Error, it was over.

"That'll be the least of yer worries." the man spat. He was tall and wore a brown suit, tamed brown hair and brown eyes. You recognized this human, Jim was his name, and he always the same in every universe. A complete ass. He lit cigar in his mouth, which he wasted no time breathing smoke in your face.

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