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January, 1968

It is snowing on Becca's first shift back after New Year's. Snowflakes delicately tumble from the sky, reminding Becca of those picturesque postcards that corner stores sell. She looks away from the window as the bell above the door chimes, eyes flicking to the person who has walked through. Her eyes narrow on brown hair and green eyes and her heart jolts in her chest.

George Russell slides onto a seat at the counter, shooting Becca a sheepish smile. Snow has become buried in his hair and as he runs a hand through his dark locks, the snow falls to the shoulders of his winter coat.

It is the first time Becca has seen him since August. The last time she saw him, George had walked away, heartbroken and hurt. This time, there's no trace of heartbreak on his face as he sits across from Becca. He looks settled and content ⏤ a contrast to the turbulence that has been Becca's life since she last saw George.

Becca's jaw tenses. It doesn't get any easier to think about Tim, no matter how much time has passed since she visited him at the cooler.

"Hi, Becca," George says, breaking the silence between them.

Upholding social niceties despite wanting to crawl into a hole, Becca replies, "Hi, George." Remembering where she is ⏤ halfway through her shift at work ⏤ she adds, "what can I get for you today?" She has one hand in the pocket of her apron to grab her notepad to jot down George's order.

"Just a coffee, thanks."

It is mid afternoon, not the most ideal time for coffee, but Becca doesn't say anything as she pours him a cup. When she's done and George has taken a sip from his steaming cup, she turns behind her, wishing she could hide in the break room to escape from this awkward situation she's landed in.

'Lord', she thinks to herself, 'Annie would have a field day if she was here right now'. Before, she would've. She'd have teased Becca relentlessly at her misfortune but then pulled back once she got it out of her system. Now... Annie's not the same girl that she used to be. Annie would say it's 'cause she's grown up now but Becca privately thinks otherwise.

George speaks, initiating a conversation and ruining the half-baked plan Becca had in her mind. It was more wishful thinking anyway, if she was being honest. "How have you been?" He asks. Becca must not do a good job of hiding the surprise that washes over her face because George says, "I'm not... I don't hold a grudge against you, Becca. You did nothing wrong. You didn't feel the same way and it's okay. I'm over it."

"You're too good, George Russell," Becca responds, relief ballooning in her chest. She grins at him and he grins back.

"So, how have you been?" This time when he asks, his voice is gentle. "I know about Tim," he says, being as delicate as possible. "I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out."

If it was anybody else, Becca wouldn't believe they were being genuine. But George... he doesn't have an insincere bone in his body. "Thanks," Becca says because she has to respond. She doesn't want to get into it with George, or anybody for that matter. As far as she's concerned, that chapter of her life is over like it never happened.

Besides, Annie's now a wife and is preparing to be a mother and, as they say, it takes a village to raise a baby. That baby is going to be so loved and Becca will be right there beside Annie, for whatever she and the baby need.

"So what's been goin' on with you? How's college?" Becca asks. She says it as though it resembles a faraway, mythical place she will never see, because, to her, it is. Not everybody is able to go to college and she is one of them.

"College is great." There's a smile on his face that reveals there's something more than that and Becca waits for George to elaborate. "There's a girl," he admits and his smile grows bigger. "It's new, but it's been good."

"That's great!" Sincerity drips off Becca's words like honey. She means what she says. She could never reciprocate George's affection for her but she is glad he has found somebody who has. "What's her name?" Only then realising that it's probably strange for him to be talking about this with her she adds, "only if you want to talk about it."

"Her name's Catherine. We met through some mutual friends." George radiates happiness and Becca is envious. Not because she is carrying a torch for George, but because she thought she had that before it was ripped away.

"I'm here for winter break, and I thought I'd come and visit you," George continues. He's finished his coffee and leaves a few coins on the table. "Take care, alright?" He tells her, adjusting his coat.

"Take care," Becca echoes and watches as George leaves the diner, pushing the door open to step outside into the winter air.

The snow has started to fall harder, blanketing the ground. Once George has stepped outside, Becca is unable to see him. She looks away and busies herself with taking away George's empty cup. Just like with Tim, that chapter of her life is over.

She doesn't let herself wonder how different her life would have turned out if George had been the one she'd fallen for last summer. Instead, she answers when her boss calls for her and turns away from the front window with a view of the snow tumbling outside. 


it's done!!!! less than a year and 60k words later, this fic is officially completed 🥳🤧 sorry for breaking your hearts with the less chapter, but deep down I always knew this fic was going to be about two people who are incompatible and despite loving each other, it was never going to truly work out. maybe down the line, years later, they come back together ⏤ but only after they've both worked on themselves. 

I wanted to make a point that both Becca and Tim aren't in the best places for a healthy relationship and I hope that came through. Becca is still hurt about what her father did to their family and is desperate to try to not be in a relationship like her parents. Tim throws himself into danger and runs head first without thinking of the consequences, especially when one of his siblings is involved. as much as they both care for each other, it isn't enough. And unfortunately, that can be the case. life isn't all happy endings and that is something I wanted to showcase in this story. 

thank you to all for reading and voting and commenting. I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I do have other The Outsiders fics on my profile, separate fics for Ponyboy and Darry! check them out if you're interested! 💛

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