[We didnt know that..] Inner Planets

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(Request. Okay so uh im at school theres no wifi rn so im typing in notepad. HeLp-)

Mercury was wandering near Venus's orbit, which was mostly vacant because he hung out with Mars now, and often stayed near his orbit. He let out a sigh. His two 'friends' werent really close friends he could trust. Sun was just.. insane. Hysterical at most, and was pretty violent, especially with his solar flares. Oh god and his puns... Earth.. wasnt any better. He was egoistic, thinking everything was about him. He also didnt listen to Mercury very much, and often did things without his consent or did things he was uncomfortable with. But now... he had noticed Earth feeling down. He didnt really have that hearty, self centred laugh. He looked tired, and for some reason, didnt hide his garbage. Even though Mercury didnt like Earth all that much, he was still concerned. So he left his orbit, going towards the two reddish planets near the asteroid belt. Venus noticed him, and barked out a laugh

"Hey pipsqueak, what are you doing here so far from orbit?"

He felt insulted, and opened his mouth to shoot an insult back, but held his tongue. Now was not the time.

"Not the time, Venus. Anyway, have you two noticed anything wrong with Earth? Im getting worried for him."

Venus looked at him, and had the expression of a bit of seriousness, as well as some kind of... sadness? When Mercury mentioned Earth

"I havent been talking to him. Why, what about him?"

Mars murmured, looking back and forth between Mercury and Earth, who was in the distance, doing something or the other with his trash.

"He's looking lethargic all the time, kind of... how do I word this.. down and sad, and even stopped hiding his trash!"

Mars perked up.

"Oh right, but I heard he cant control his junk when its too bad. Like how he also cant hide the fires and disasters."

"What do you think happened?"

Venus finally spoke, looking at Mercury, who gulped nervously.

"I dunno, I mean, he is still has his ego-"

Venus scoffed.

"And he still is somewhat his usual, oblivious self, but you know... more tired, doesnt really laugh or do energetic activites as much.. its like he is sick or something..."

Mars thought for a bit, before nodding to himself.

"What if we ask Astrodude? He's an astronaut, so he should know this stuff."

"Yeah, thats a good idea."

Venus nodded, and they looked around.

"We just need to find Astrodude..."

<Timeskippies because yessies and help im afraid somebody might walk in and see me typing this>


"AHH- Oh uh!.. Hey... planets. What do you- eh- need?"

Astrodude asked, somewhat terrified- as he always was. But he slowly calmed down, as he was a bit used to the planets coming up to him if they need anything, or any information in particular...

"We need you to tell us why Earth-"

Mars began, looking back at the blue-green planet.

"Is so.. well- trashy? And he also seems 'sick' according to Mercury."

Mercury looked around when his name was called out, before just going back to looking at the nearby asteroids. And now, even Astrodude looked a little guilty, looking around.

"I.. know whats happening to Earth."

The three looked at Astrodude.

"Tell us then!"

Mercury said encouragingly.

"Uh... its.. pollution."


The three stared at him.

"Whats that?"

Now it was Astrodude's turn to be shocked.

"You dont know what pollution is? I thought as Earths friends-"


"OH uh- as Earths... neighbours, he'd tell you. But in short, its the garbage and trash that he has. There are multiple types of pollution actually... do you guys want to learn about it?"

"Uh.. sure."

Mars felt interested in this whole 'pollution' thing. He wanted to know what it was- and the different types. That could help him in the future if humans actually did decide to settle on him.

"So... pollution is kind of a uh.. man-made problem. Its basically when people have trash, they throw it- wherever. dump it in the middle of nowhere, in hills, mountains, etc. It can thus, harm the eco system as certain animals can start eating the trash and get sick or die. Well- thats land pollution. Water pollution is the same thing, except- in water. Air pollution is when the carbon dioxide escapes lets say... cars, factories, and other things in mass. That can damage the ozone layer, which makes the planet hotter in general. Theres sound pollution, which is excessive noise, and light pollution, which is when in densely populated areas, all the people who turn on the lights during the night make it so bright the area is brighter than the sky, so we cant really see the stars anymore."

The others were left a bit speechless- these were what the earthlings did?

"Yeah but uh- how does that effect Earth?"

Mercury asked, and Astrodude sighed.

"Well- many species are dying. Many are endangered from overhunting, destruction of their natural habitat, prey being hunted, climate change affecting the temperature, and more. And even the plastic- which is what most of the trash is made of- takes hundreds of years to disintegrate. It harms the Earth itself- also making alot of the soil infetile. Then we have to mention all the oil, the sewage water being thrown into the ocean, dying coral reefs... in some cities, there is so much pollution, the dust and smoke can block out the sun! So the air could also be a bit of a harm to him... oh jeez talking about all this is making me feel bad... and on top of pollution, there IS alot more..."


"OKAY OKAY- uh, it might take a while though..."

Astrodude murmured, hoping to drive them away with that.

"No, its fine. We'll listen."

Mars said, and Astrodude rubbed his head nervously, before nodding.

"Alright, so.. deforestation..."


I dunno how many words there are notepad dont do that- ima just check in when i get wattpad and post this. Also wifi still not here-

Edit: 958 words, omg im tired the walk from school to dorms is tiring

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