[Painting] Uranus - Neptune

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(Request! Hii uh late again. But my exams are over so yippee!!! Although originally a ship, i made it platonic, although you can take it as romantic too! Sorry i just- cant write them romantically.

Dip. Stroke. Paint. Blend. Those simple hand movements were all that Uranus was doing, a simple flick adding more depth to his painting. His brows furrowed in concentration, taking in the painting to see where else he could place his brush.

"Hey Uranus!"


Uranus yelped, turning around, but grabbing his palette, and glared at Neptune, sighing.

"What is it, Neptune..?"

He turned around, to listen to Neptunes ramblings but also to do his own work, which hadn't been touched by unnecessary colors from the scare.

"Whatcha doing?"

Uranus stared at his canvas, having already gone through this conversation before.

"Well I WAS painting, but you interrupted me. Why do you ask?"

He answered, as he did another deft stroke, floating a bit away to see how it looked, before beginning to place down his brush again.

"Well, I wonder what you are doing because it looks interesting!"

Neptune replied, and Uranus paused, glancing at the blue ice giant.

"Your.. interested in painting?"

He asked, and Neptune nodded.

"Riiiiiight, painting! Yeah, I wanna know why you do it so often!"

'Well... I just do it since we generally have nothing to do. This is a good way to spend time."

Uranus shrugged, turning to face Neptune, putting his brush and palette to the side.

"Oh right, time!"

They stared at each other, and then he suddenly said, snapping back to reality.

"Can you teach me how to paint then?"

He asked, and Uranus was silent for a moment, pondering why he wanted to do this, and if he should say yes.

"Alright, let me get an extra canvas."

He sighed, and Neptune grinned, whooping.


*GEP0 holds up a timeskip card*

GEP6: Bro what are you doing?

GEP0: Idk- Chaotix told me to hold... this

Chaotix: Bluebunny timeskip inspiration :))


"Alright, so dip your brush in the paint- NEPTUNE DONT PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE PAINT CANS-"

Uranus panicked, as Neptune took his hand out of the can, and Uranus let out a frustrated sigh.


"Anyway, AS I WAS SAYING, first, get some paint onto the palette using palette knives... yeah like that- and THEN dip the paint into the brush and.. Draw whatever you want."

The blue ice giant said, before turning back to his canvas and continuing the painting, which was of the Kuiper Belt. He sighed- having finished his background and then needed to add the asteroids.

Using a clean palette knife to put colors on his palette, he mixed and experiment for a bit, before finding a good shade and beginning to paint the asteroids with no exact distinct features, blending into the background.

As he had begun to shade, he heard a squeal come from Neptune. Curious and confused, he glanced at Neptune.

"Uranus look! I finished it!'

Uranus stared at the painting, which was a mix of purple, green, and blue, smeared over the painting with black outlines supposedly showing... them?


"I made it without a brush! Using my hands! So you dont need a brush to paint, Uranus!"

The dark blue planet declared, seemingly proud. It wasnt that good, but given this was Neptune's first time, it was good.

"Well.. yeah. Its nice, mate. Good job." He chuckled, glancing at Neptune's paint-stained hands.

"You know, this reminds me of Guillermo! You think he and his friends would like painting?"




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