Nick and Noah - Continued

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"Where do you think you're going?"

I jumped as I collected my things together and turned to Jenna... "Nick's picking me up."

"Have you forgotten we have class in half an hour?"


She smirked... "Your Mom's not gonna be happy you're skipping school to spend time with Nick."

"She's not happy about our relationship so what's one more to add?"

She chuckled... "Have fun, girl. See you at the race tomorrow night?"

"There's a race tomorrow night?"

She nodded... "Nick didn't mention it?"

I shook my head... "No."

She smiled at me apologetically. Hugging her quickly, I left the common room and made my way out of the school, ducking down as I made my way past the reception desk and out into the car park, Nick's car pulling up moments later...


Noah climbed into the car and I drove out of the car park, pulling over as soon as I could to capture her lips...

"What you did for me is going to be embedded in my memory for a long time to come."

She smiled at me weakly... "Why didn't you tell me there was a race tomorrow night?"

"Who told you?"

"It doesn't matter. You should've told me. Why didn't you?"

"Because of what happened last time. I know Ronnie's out of the picture now but his gang is going to be there, and they're not going to be happy if you show up."

"I don't care. I enjoy racing, and I want to race, because it's something I'm good at."

"Noah, you're not coming."

"Don't try and tell me what to do, Nick. I'll be there whether you like it or not."

I sighed and ran my hands over my face... "I'm trying to protect you, don't you see? Those guys, they're dangerous. If I take my eyes off you for one second, they won't hesitate to pounce, and I can't have what happened with Ronnie to happen again."

She exhaled a breath and cupped my cheek... "Fine."

I smiled at her warmly and kissed her softly... "I'm sorry, Precious, but it's for the best."

She nodded in agreement... "I know."

"Tell you what, why don't we go somewhere now? You can drive this as fast as you want."

"I thought we were going somewhere?"

"We can make a quick pit-stop, can't we?"

She nodded. Taking hold of her hand, I entwined it with mine and pulled back out onto the road...


Nick pulled into the deserted racetrack and turned the engine off before handing the keys to me. Smiling at him warmly as he climbed out of the driver's seat, I unfastened my seatbelt and climbed out of the passenger seat, removing my tie and tossing it into the backseat before undoing a few buttons of my shirt and bringing it up to fashion it as a crop top before doing the same to my skirt, Nick's eyes darkening as I walked around to his side of the car, a gasp escaping me as he pinned me against it and captured my lips, my nails digging into his shoulders as I pushed up onto my tiptoes, his hand dragging my leg to wrap my thigh around his waist as his tongue slid into my mouth, his lips swallowing my moan...

"I won't be able to concentrate on driving if we keep this up."

He smirked and pulled back, holding his hands up in defence as he walked around to the passenger side of the car. Composing myself, I climbed into the driver's seat and started the engine, smiling as I gripped the steering wheel as I revved the engine...

"Go for it, baby."

Doing as he said, we fastened our seatbelts and I pressed down on the accelerator, squealing as we sped off down the dirt track... 

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