Chapter 7. -The Plan.-

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Artemis jolted upright, it was 4 O' clock and he just woke up from a scary dream.
"Cocolia...she was talking to many voices...came from...nowhere?" He panted.

Trying to calm himself down, he did deep breaths and found the energy to lift out of bed, sneak out of the door and inti the fresh air.

"WHO GOES THERE?" A sliver-haired girl twirled around, her face looking defensive. "Oh..hello Artemis."

"Hey, what are you doing out here so late?" He asked, curiosity overflowing him.

"Guarding, uhm, let's walk and talk." She now set off at a slow, steady pace, allowing him to catch up.

"Can I tell you something...? Just promise, you won't tell ANYONE." Bronya said, pleading tones appeared suddenly, as if from nowhere.

"I promise." Artemis said.

" it here, in the Underground,  think Madam Cocolia may have been wrong, although I..uhm..." She paused.

"Although you what?" Artemis asked, looking her in the eyes.

"Although I'm not meant to disobey Madam Cocolia's orders, I feel I could talk to her about freeing the people..." She began to look saddened. "She closed the underground off, she said it was to stop the Spread of the winter...bit it's not true...I'm ready to tell her!" She nods.

Artemis nodded, feeling determined.

"Whoa!" Suddenly, Seele and Natasha appeared.

"Hello, you two..." Natasha began. "I would like to ask you to go with recover parts and rations from a Fragmentum...Rivet Town."

Artemis considered this with Bronya for a bit, before they agreed.

"Ok, then, we will set off tomorrow..." Seele and Natasha now walked off.

"Well, let's get back and sleep aswell." Bronya said, and set off with Artemis back to the hotel, until morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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