The Picnic.

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Beep! Beep! The alarm goes off loudly, reminding you that today's another day, another day to try again. Another day to try and earn his love, you've been trying for two years now but you don't care, you don't even feel drained. You get up and begin to put some clothes on, nothing to fancy just some baggy jeans and a black coat that covers your chest. However, unlike other mornings, you hear a knock on the door not knowing who it is, you rush downstairs to find Knuckles standing there.

Hey Sonic! "Knuckles says cheerfully while grinning slightly"

Oh hey Knuckles! Didn't expect to see you here, what's up?

Yeah well Amy was supposed to come talk to you but because I'm a good friend I'm here instead. "Knuckles said with pride in his voice as he placed his hand on his chest, grinning playfully"

Well thanks knucklehead but what did you come here for exactly? "Sonic asked with curiosity in his voice, normally Knuckles would be busy guarding the master emerald. He hardly ever left the master emerald for anything, even his friends"

Well Amy wanted to have a picnic with the gang, and your part of my gang. Your the second best person in it!

Wait your gang? I- you know what.. Nevermind. But why would you go out of your way to have a picnic? That doesn't seem like you

Well I know but Amy really wanted to, Cream came along and started begging me as well so I couldn't say anything rude since she's a child. Now we're having a picnic at the master emerald apparently.

Oh I see.. well I don't know if I can make it.

Why not? Your dressed and everything. Are you going over to Tails house again? You go over there every day. Why?

That's none of your concern Knucklehead, now if your excuse me I have places to be and people to see-

If you're going to see Tails he's not going to be at this workshop. He's at the picnic right now with Amy, cream and cheese. They're setting everything up.

"Sonic was slightly surprised and turned around to look at knuckles before placing his arm around knuckles shoulder. A large grin forming on the Colbert blue hedgehogs muzzle." Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go! "'Sonic let go of knuckles and began racing off at high speeds in the summer breeze."
With Amy
A thin red and white blanket with Scottish patterns covered a patch of the luscious green grass. Many varieties of food and drink that included sandwiches, biscuits, watermelon, sausage rolls, fruit salad, pistachios, almonds, lemonade, water and cashews were placed on top of it. Four pink stones that were shaped like hearts were also placed on the edges of the blanket to keep it from flying away.

What do you think Tails? "Amy asked with glee in her voice" aren't the decorations wonderful? And cream, you did a great job with painting the rocks, well done!

Yeah you did a great job Amy, it looks great. "Tails took a quick glance at the food and drinks that Amy had placed on the blanket he couldn't wait to try them. The decorations that she placed also looked great, but tails was really thirsty right now so he honestly didn't really care."

"A small rabbit with a short orange dress And a blue chao floating next to her looked up at the pink hedgehog smiling innocently" Thank you Miss Amy, I hope everyone else likes them.

I'm sure they will Cream, don't you worry.
While the pink hedgehog, rabbit and fox continued to talk. The blue hedgehog was running up the mountain at high speeds, his eyes focused only on his destination and maybe a certain person that was going to be there. Once reaching it up the mountain he managed to see a young short rabbit looking down at him, waving signalling that the picnic was up there.

Hey guys, I made it!

Amy looked over at Sonic excited that he actually came, she knew wasn't normal for him to come to things like picnics or really anything that she setup. So she was grateful that he actually did come this time and ended up running over to him, forcing him into a suffocating hug.

Sonic! You came!

Whoa! w-whoa Amy.. can't.. breathe...

"It didn't take long for Amy to let go smiling nervously as her eyes dialled down to look at the ground and she scratched the back of her neck" sorry Sonic, I'm just so excited you actually came this time, I never see you whenever I plan something like this.

Heh, I know, I just don't normally have time for this type of stuff anyway, did Tails come?

Hmm? Oh yeah he did he's over there.. Amy turned around and pointed next to a large palm tree where Tails was standing before although this time Tails didn't seem to be standing there. She looked around for a couple of seconds before looking back at sonic.

That's strange.. he was just next to that palm tree a couple of seconds ago..

"Suddenly, a young rabbit tapped the pink hedgehogs shoulder, making Amy turn around to look at her" Miss Amy! Mr Tails said he needed to go back home to work on one of his inventions.

"Amy sighed painfully" well I suppose that's not everyones gonna be here.. oh well, Tails normally always comes to these things and he helped us setup so I can forgive him this time..

So.. Tails isn't gonna be here? "Sonic asked in a curious tone, if Tails wasn't here, then that made this picnic a complete waste of time for him. He only really came here to see Tails. If he knew the Fox wasn't going to stay, he would have just stayed at home but he couldn't leave now, he wouldn't abandon his friends, especially Amy since he didn't want to get a hammer to his head" oh.. that's alright.

"As Sonic finished saying those last 3 words a red echidna popped up from behind the bushes greeting everyone before looking down at the foods that were placed on the red and white blanket" hey guys, glad you didn't start eating without me! So Amy.. did you bring grapes?

"Amy rolled her eyes at the red echidna" Knuckles, you ate the last three packets of grapes I bought yesterday night, we have none left thanks to you.

Oh... So, did you bring grapes?

Got the second chapter done! A total of 1108 words in this one to! <3 sorry if there's mistakes!

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