Chapter 2

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The smell of alcohol and sweat reaches my nostrils and I immediately wanted to leave, as soon as we get inside we were suqueezing through people until we reached a less crowed area

"Gosh, I hate this" I say more to myself than anyone else

"Same, ill grab us some water" she mumbles beside me

"No, wait don't go alone' I say

"Shh I see a cute guy' she said leaving my arm making me chuckle

I walk around and find this couch empty so I sit crossing my feet, I take my phone out and start scrolling though social media and stuff.

"Hey sexy" I hear a voice

"Fuck off" I reply without even looking up

I heard a whole lot of laughing making me look up to see this guy looking at me

"yes, can I help you?" I ask

"Mhm yeah, wanna dance?" He asks

"Does it look like I want to?" I ask

"Not really but it's worth asking"

"Well thank you for the offer but no im good" I say getting back to my phone

"Damn she is feisty" I hear him say to his friends

"Yup, she bites too if you continue being an asshole" I say

"Wordddd" his friends all said at the same time

"Fuck off" I hear a guy's voice making me look up, he was glaring at the guys who were jsut standing there and then once those guys leave he sits beside me

"Hi, my name is harshad" she says

"Nandini" I mumble back, eyes on my phone

"Wow, you don't seem interested at all"

"Im not" I say

"Well I am good at turning things around for girls" he says arrogantly

"Two words" I mumble leaning closer to him

"Yes tell me baby"

"Fuck off" I say with a smile

"A challenge, I love it" he says leaning closer

"Don't you dare" I say getting up

he smirks following me and now I was starting to panic because none of my roommates were seen around and I was stupid enough to exit a party at around 12 at night while a guy is following me.

As soon as I got our of the party, I walked to the right and that wasn't the best decision because it was the back part of the house, the party was at, as I start to panic with this guy behind me I notice a guy's back, his phone on his ear

I ran up to him wrapping my arms around him and immediately he pulls me to the front, I don't even look at him, I just gripped his t shirt

"Can you please help me, I, there is someone following me and I can't seem to get him off my ass" I mumble looking  behind him to see harshad still walking towards me

"So you come to another guy to help you?" The voice this tall human had was so different, it was deep and husky making me look up

The light from the street lamp reveals half his face, his beautiful hazel brown eyes, his eyebrows were furrowed in surprise as he puts his phone in his pocket

"Help" I whisper

"Who is it?" She asks

"Some guy, harshad" I say

His jaw tightens and his eyes darken, thats so cool.

He turns aorund and I stand right behind him but peaking out from behind his back to see if harshad will leave

"Thats my girl, leave her alone" harshad says coming closer and I hide behind this unknown's back

"I don't see a tattoo on her that says asshole's property" I giggle in his back hearing those words

"What the fuck is with you cock blocking me?" I gasp a little at harshad's words, tears brim my eyes a bit

"Cock blocking is an act done to those who have a cock, you on the other hand lost yours right as you came out of the womb"

Okay I don't know if I should be laughing right now but this man is kind of funny

"FUCKK OFF, THAT MY BITCH FOR TONIGHT" harshad screams trying to grab me

"I am no one's bitch" I scream back holding this unknown man's t shirt

"Harshad,  please leave before I have to fight you and beat your fucking ass again, she said she doesn't want you and that means she doesn't want you so leave" what he said again? Do they know each other?

"That was once and It isn't happening again" harshad replies grabbing my arm

"Ahhh let me goo" I scream biting his arm

before I could realize anything else I was standing far far away from harshad and this unknown man who had his hand around harshard's neck

"If I see your hands on her or any other girl again I will rip them off your body without blinking so keep them away" the unknown man says pushing harshad to the floor

"And you go home" he said turning to me as he got up

"I mhm yes I will" I say

"Don't come to stupid fucking parties if you can't fight these assholes"

I walk closer to him and smile at him even though he was being mean but he did help

"Thank you for helping me mystery man, it was very sweet of you. I appreciate it a lot, thank you stranger" I whisper smiling before I walk back to my house

It was so weird but jeez at lease he helped me, when I got home I quickly texted the group and none of them minded that I was back.

I unpacked the rest of my stuff and made a list on what I needed to buy to decorate my room, University was starting tomorrow and thats great but also weird, the first night in mumbai wasn't too good but hey at least I found a very nice stranger who helped

I lay in bed aorund 3 in the morning trying to sleep but I couldn't, his beautiful eyes flash in my head and I giggle out loud replaying his words in my head.

I turn in bed and see the clock displaying 5 making me groan in my pillows, I need sleep and I need it now or I am going to cry in the morning.

6, it was god damn 6 and my head wouldn't leave the stupid stranger, not because he was handsome and hot, he was but also he was so sweet about helping me, instead he could have left me there but he helped

8., shit it is 8 and I can't do this at all, I groan getting out of bed and going to the bathroom, I showered and put on jeans and a top, I put on my black converse and put my hair in a ponytail.

Taking one last breath and a last look at myself I grab my bag and phone, lets jus t say the whole living room was shit, there were clothes and no not girl clothing, there were boxers making me cringe

"Eww" I was in disgust whne I almost slipped on some shorts

I didn't even grab food, I just ran out the door rushing out of the building as fast as I could, eww gross, not happening. Stepping out of the building I smile seeing the sun out, some clouds, a soft breeze. It was beautiful!

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