Chapter 15

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"No, if you can't trust me nandini than its better for you to leave before I get attached"

"It's not that I don't trust you romeo, it's just that I don't want us to be pulled apart due to some misunderstandings. I like you manik and I want something for us, I want us to be something but It's different and so weird at the same time"

I grabbed a towel walking to the bathroom to shower because I need to shower and cool down before I utter nonsense to the one person who made these couple months better than okay for me.

I realized that nandini is my person, she is that one person who calms me down with just a smile, she helps with anything I need, homework, food, life, everything. When I am home alone, my mind wanders to different places, places that are scary and dark but her voice, her touch brings me back

I am not upset at nandini, or her words, she was right, she needs to know if I am over soha and thats her right. I was angry because I thought she didn't trust my words saying that I am over her but if I were her, I wouldn't believe it either not when I reacted like I did.

I got out of the shower and saw the bed made, I walked into the living room but nadnini wasn't there so I knew she went home, I grab my keys locking up, I knocked on her apartment door and her roommate mukti I think, she opened the door

"Hi why are you here?" She asks

"To see nandini" I say

"Oh, right, manik ah okay, mhm last room in that hallway"she says

"Dude I have met you a handful of times" I say

"I know, I didn't wanna creep you out saying I know you, but hey man whats up" I chuckle at how nandini actually lives with crackheads

"Is she in her room?" I ask

"Yeah" she says walking to her room im assuming

I walk to the end of the hall and knock on the door but there was nothing so I open the door shutting ti behind me. Her bed was made with pillows and teddy bears around the sides. Her room was colourful, unlike mine whihc was plain black

"I fell perfectly fine and I be screaming and shouting and kissing in the rain, it's 3 mhm no it's 2 am and im cursing your name so in love that I act insane and thats the way I love you ahhhhhh oh my fucking god manik" she comes out of the bathroom screaming lyrics to some weird song on the top of her lungs

"Jeez, relax, just me" I say

"Shit, you scared the fuck out of me, manik you idiot" she says smacking my chest making me laugh

See this is what I mean, everything with nandini is so sweet and fun

"Im sorry, I knocked but you didn't say anything" I said

"Yeah I was showering stupid" she says walking into her closet

"We gotta talk" I say

"I know, but I have a really bad headache" I say

"You did have some alcohol"

"Whattt?" She screams peaking her head out

"Yeah, the yummy orange drink" I mimic her voice making her groan

"Shit, thats so embarrassing" she whispers

"You fell a sleep pretty quick, mhm well that was right after you"

I lay down on her bed, a chuckle escapes my lips when my feet go right to the edge of her bed, she has a tiny bed. I lay my head on her pillows waiting for her to come out of the closet

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