Chapter 10

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The rest of the day him and I finished homework together and then cabir and navya came over too, we talked and watched a movie before going back home

It was 2 in the morning when I woke up to throw up, yeah I was still vomiting a bit, not much and my fever wasn't bad either. I tried to eat dinner earlier but I just couldn't, everything I looked at made me feel uneasy and gross.

It was bad because Manik and cabir ordered pizza and yummy cheesy chicken popcorn things and I tired one but gosh it was horrible because I threw up so I just sipped on some lemon water that Manik made for me which was good but gosh I wanted pizza

I walk into the kitchen stepping over some clothes, yes there were clothes on the living room floor, I knew it was someone alia or mukti brought over because cabir and navya are never this stupid.

i open the fridge and there was a pair of underwear in there, a god damn thong up in there, arghhh I need to talk to them for sure, this isn't a party house, sure they can do whatever they want but a thong in the fridge is bad.

Groaning in annoyance I get back in bed trying to sleep, but I couldn't so I just opened up my laptop putting on a movie laying in bed along with a document open for my English project.

My phone beeps around 3, I pick it up from beside my pillow and paused my movie, it was an unknown number


'Who is this' I text back

'Forgot your Romeo so soon' i grin seeing that text

'Hiiiiiii Romeo' i text back and quickly save his number

'Feeling okay?'

'Somewhat, you?'

There was no reply for a couple minutes and then my phone started vibrating, he was calling you.

"Hi" I whisper picking it up

"What's wrong? Does you stomach hurt?" He asks

"No, I jsut woke up a bit ago, why are you up?"

"Jsut finished my English essay, and I was wondering mhm if you were okay" he is so sweet to me

"Im okay, I'm watching a movie with lots of cars and barbie, yes barbie"

"You are a child, go to bed Nandini, it's 3:35, we have classes tom"

"Mhm classes"

"Yes, a chemistry lab first thing in the morning, nandini sleep"

"Goodnight Manik" I whisper

"Night nandini" he whispers back

I cut the call and lean into my pillows, I shut my laptop and the empty draft before closing my eyes again but I couldn't sleep so I just turned and twisted in bed till my alarm rang

Lets just say walking into campus and in that chemistry lab I had one eye ope n because I was a sleep with the other eye. My eyes are droopy and I wanna sleep, no actually I want to grab my teddy bear and hold him close to feel the warmth and sleep because gosh im exhausted

"You okay?" I hear Manik's voice

"Mhm if you call drunk on caffeine, one eye open okay then im your woman" I say leaning onto his shoulder


"Mhm" I hum holding his arm

"Get away from me and will you wake up seriously what are you doing"

"Huh? Open who?" I ask

"Your eyes you imbecile and leave my arm" he says moving his arm a little

I look up to see the lab TA walking inside, I straighten myself and look around to see everyone in that lab looking at me, I mean it's only like 20 people and Manik already knows my nuisance so we good

The next three hours were excruciating, I swear I wanted to stab myself with a freaking pipette and I almost did but the TA glared at me so you know I had to stop and everything.

"Go eat something before calculus" I hear Manik say

"Not happening" I whisper as I silently follow him after to the calculus lecture hall

My head hurts and my body needs sleep, oh and not to mention the fact that my stomach keeps grumbling really really god damn loud.

"Your phone nandini" hearing him I realize that it was vibrating on the table

"Hello" I say taking the call

"hi nandini, sweetie, can you work tonight please im in a pickle and I really need to go to this place and I can't cancel" I hear Anish, he is a coworker and I hate him

"Mhm what time is your shift?" I ask

"4 to 9" he says

"Mhm sure ya"

"Thanks" he cuts the call making me groan

"Fuck" I mumble to myself

Calculus, then chemistry lecture and then English. The whole day I was running around here and there but after that phone call I didn't really speak much, neither did Manik.

I reach the library at 2:50 and rush to clock in, for the first couple hours it was busy but then it died down and I was sitting in my chair just looking up casually every few minutes to see if everything was fine

All of a sudden, my stomach cramps up really bad, to the point where I had to stop typing on my laptop and curl up holding my stomach, gosh this is horrible, I am never in my life eating strawberries or stupid cottage cheese, never, not even if im held at gunpoint

This was worse than yesterday and I needed medicine, I need some painkillers, anything actually. Do I call the ambulance or do I suffer through the pain for the next couple hours of my shift

I close my eyes for a couple minutes and breath through the pain for the next hour but gosh the last 30 minutes of my shift was shitty, to the point where I almost passed out when I stood up to punch out

Once I was done my shift I sit outside the library after security close it and all my other coworkers leave. I can't walk because I may pass out so I decide to call navya

"Hey girl, where are you?" She asks

"Mhm navya I need you to come to the library please" I whisper

"Are you okay?" She asks, I hear some voices in the back too

"No well yes, I need someone to walk with me because I am light headed and I think I may pass out"

"What? Oh my god, okay stay there, I ams going to ge cabir to come and drive you"

"No no don't bother him, would you eb able to walk to me?"

"ill be right there" she says and I hum cutting the call

I couldn't stop from tearing up at the excruciating pain, I tried to think about what the doctor had said but I couldn't remember anything.

"Nandini oh my gosh, are you okay?" I hear navya so I look up to see her running to me

"yeah" I lie standing up but almost falling over

"She is warm" cabir whispers when he picks me up carrying me to his car

"Whats wrong?" Navya asks

"My stomach is cramping so bad" I whisper to her

"Should I take you to the hospital?" cabir asks

"No no, im not going to the hell hole ever" I say

The rest of the ride back home was weird because I was there but everything was fuzzy and coming and going. I know cabir carried me but the rest of it was blank

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