Chapter 4

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As I search around the yellow flowers, I notice cabir and navya in a corner kissing making me gag a little.

"Tell me why people do this shit, like brah what?" I talk to myself

"Ahhh yayyyy"I scream like a god damn maniac whne I find the second clue under the sunflowers, one of my favourite might I add

I picked a sunflower smiling at the beautiful flower, it was so cute

"You can't pic flowers" I hear Manik's voice

"I can't?" I ask turning to him

"No, its campus flowers, you will get in trouble" he says

"But it's already plucked right, so I keep but I won't pluck more" I say

"What's the second clue?" He asks

I smile walking closer to him

"Are you going to play with me?" I ask

"Oh that doesn't sound sexual at all" he mumbles with a smirk

"Oh get over yourself" I giggle opening the second clue

"Walk to the gym" he says reading it

"The gym has blue skies?" I ask

"It's talking about the pool" he says

"The pool, no what how?"

"Have you ever gone swimming Juliet?" He asks

"No, I mhm I can't swim" I admit being embarrassed

It's not like I haven't tried swimming or swim lessons but every time my head is under water, I can't help my brain think about bad things, it's overwhelming and I can't get over it

"Well then you wouldn't know but whne you are under water and you look up it's blue skies"

"Oh my gosh, you are right because the colour of the pool lining and you are a very philosophical human being" I mumble realizing

He hums walking with me.

when we got to the pool, I looked around for the envelop but I couldn't find anything until I heard a splash making me turn towards the pool to see Manik had jumped inside making me gasp, If he faints I won't even be able to help

With raging breath of and memories and those stupid stupid things in my head I look at manik's body under the water following his movement, he swims up to where I was with an envelop. He puts his arms on the edge and I take a huge breath that I was holding inside seeing he was alive

"Are you okay?" I ask


"Get out of the water please" I whisper

"Fuck no" he says

"Please" I say as my heart starts beating faster

"No" he replies again

I couldn't breath, I felt suffocated, grabbing the envelop he was handing to me I ran outside, as the hot wave of heat hits me with the warm breeze I breath a little. I sit on the cement just catching my breath

"Hey are you okay?" I hear his voice as I was getting my breathing back to normal

"Mhm ya" I say seeing him sit in front of me

"You look a little pale" he mentions

i ignore his comment and start opening the clue. the scavenger hunt went on for a bit and getting our last clue we were back to the hall we began in, as Manik and I enter the hall the person gets up smiling

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