The Strip

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The strip was affected the most in the sudden change in power. It was speculated that a huge vaccum of power will be created between the three families of the strip:The chairmen, the omertas, and the white gloves. Formal tribes reformed by Mr. House and being made to operate the three casinos on the strip. Tensions were beginning to stir between the families, the most being between the omertas and the chairmen. The white gloves remained quite passive in this, as they thought this conflict would be resolved once the courier arrives, and they did not want their customers being driven away due to this.

But the omertas and the chairmen were quickly at each other's throats. First,peaceful meetings were held between the leaders. The heads of the families, Swank and Cachinno, met in the penthouse suite of the tops. "With all due respect, we know your ass was handed to you by the courier when you tried to enact your last 'plan', you lot aren't even fit to run your own casino now, let alone the strip" said Swank. "Oh? And ya think you assholes are? Benny couldn't kill a guy point blank, I doubt he could even hold a pencil properly. You and your fancy language ain't gonna help in running the strip." said Cachinno. The meeting was initially a "peaceful" meeting. But it quickly devolved into insults, and finally, resulted into the chairmen storming out of the place.

But aside from this rivalry, many people tried to get inside the lucky 38, they thought the anarchy might give them a good chance to possibly loot the place, some tried to destroy the securitrons guarding the strip, some tried to sneak in using stealthboys. But none of them could, as the upgraded securitrons were nigh impossible to destroy. Many attempts were thwarted, and many people died.

But vault 21 too faced their own problems. The NCR soldiers, who had come to the strip to relax and forget their pain, had now nowhere to go. They quickly flocked to the vault, trying to find a place anywhere they could. Some of them were high ranking officers in the NCR, and demanded respect from the staff of the vault. But they didn't know that their rank, now meant nothing in the independent mojave. One day, a group of soldiers, who were drowning their pain in alcohol, created a ruckus in the vault. They started hallucinating, thinking the dwellers of the vault as the soldiers of the legion. The group picked up whatever they could, and killed 20 of the vault's residents. Some were of the staff, some were normal folk living in the vault. The securitrons were called, but it was late as many were killed. The securitrons finally killed all the NCR soldiers, even the ones who just wanted refuge after the battle. The vault was temporarily shut down, the remaining residents were now homeless, they didn't know either the wasteland was more dangerous, or the strip.

Some days passed,the relations between the omertas and the chairmen were at a boiling point. Someone had to make a move. And so they did. The omertas made the first move, with all the firepower they had left, they tried to brute force their way into the lucky 38, trying to destroy any securitrons they could. It was a bloodbath, though they did manage to destroy some of the securitrons, the remaining ones wiped out their forces. Many pedestrians also died during the attack. With suffering so many losses, the omertas suffered a heavy blow to their casino, and finally, had to shut down.

A lockdown was initiated on the strip. No person would get out of the buildings until the courier arrived, which he was going to in 2 days. Everyone wondered, what was the point of independence of vegas, if the situation was worse than before. Atleast under House's control, the strip prospered instead of devolving into meaningless conflict.

Finally, the courier arrived, his work at the dam was finished, and now it was time to restore the strip. At first, the income of the strip was drastically reduced with the absence of gammorrah. It was apparent that the casino should be restored for a proper flow of income. His first choice to handover the casino to was "the kings". A faction in freeside who the courier had very good relations with. He reached out to their leader, simply known as "the king" and told him about this opportunity. The king reluctantly agreed, though his first concern were the people of freeside. Courier assured him that freeside won't be as downtrodden as before, and soon enough would be developed.  The restoration of gammorrah would begin soon enough, but now the matter of vault 21 still remained.

The owner of the vault, Sarah Weintraub, was offered for the vault to be reopened. But she refused,saying that she didn't want to endure the pain over again. She wanted to move away from the strip, settle somewhere else. Finally, she was given safe passage through the strip and freeside, and she wandered off. The vault also needed new management, but it was unclear who would be fit for the job. For now, the vault was left empty.

The aftermath of the battle of Hoover dam resulted in anarchy rising in the strip. It seemed the people weren't safe even inside. But when the dust settled, and anarchy ended, the strip remained, rising to it's previous glory.

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