Mojave Outpost

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"Come on people move it move it, we're already behind schedule. The caravan should have reached Novac days ago!" shouted Cass to the caravaneers. The bussiness of Cassidy Caravans was booming in the Mojave wasteland. The owner, "Rose of sharon Cassidy", popularly known as "Cass", was handling the caravan very well. "Sorry ma'am. But ya know we don't usually have delays, it's just that Henry had his leg bitten off by a gecko, and Leah died due to radscorpion poison, we're understaffed" said one of the caravan guards. Cass sighed, "yes yes, I know. Damned critters. Anyways, just hurry up". After the preparations were made, the caravan left. "Only five more to go, amazing" said Cass.

She looked at the huge statue at the entrance of the outpost, an NCR ranger shaking the desert ranger's hand. A symbol of unity. It wasn't much use now, as the previous owners of the outpost, the NCR, had been driven out. And Cass and her caravan company had used the outpost for their bussiness. Which was at an all time high. She inspected the other caravans, which were getting ready to depart. It was a boring task for Cass, after all, she had been with the courier for most of his adventures.  She had travelled with the courier for many months, and a special bond had developed between them. They had explored the vast expanse of the Mojave wasteland together, from the legion territory of cottonwood cove to the snowy mountains of jacobstown. Compared to that, this world was boring and tedious.

"Back so quickly?" asked the bartender. "Yes, you have a problem?" replied Cass. "No, I suppose not, I'm not the one drowning myself in whiskey" said the bartender. "Just shut up and give me the usual." said Cass. She was handed two bottles of whiskey, which she drank like it was nothing. She was a bit of an alcoholic, well actually, scratch that, she was a lot more than just a bit. Though somehow it never interfered in her work. Though she did get a lot sentimental when drunk. "That bastard left me, left me to drown" sobbed Cass. "Here we go again" said the bartender, pretty used to Cass 's ramblings. "We had a good thing going on, but no, he had to 'take over the fucking wasteland' like he's some damn conqueror. Can't he fucking come to visit me once in a while? Oh wait, he's so busy fucking that damn robot that he doesn't have time for real humans" rambled Cass, now apparently banging the table. "Look, we both know that he doesn't talk to you because you cheated on him, now can you please leave? My customers are getting quite agitated" sighed the bartender, though she knew it was a futile effort. "IT WAS A MISTAKE" retorted Cass. "I THOUGHT THAT ASSHOLE WAS THE COURIER, NOT MY FAULT HE WEARS THE NCR VETERAN OUTFIT CAUSE 'it looks good on him', how was I supposed to know that it was a random guy who slept with me and not him?". "Yes yes, you confused an NCR ranger for the courier and slept with him and the courier got to know this and hasn't talked to you since blah blah blah. Now can you please go?" said the bartender. But to everyone's displeasure, Cass pulled out her sawed off shotgun and started shooting randomly, "COME BACK YA BITCH, I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU. TALK TO ME ONE LAST TIME!" sobbed Cass as she shot the gun in random directions. Finally, she passed out and was taken to her cabin.

She awoke in her cabin the next day. She got up from her bed, freshened up and went outside, out to start the day. She got a lot of scared glances from her employees. Fair enough, she thought. They had to experience this atleast twice a month, so they were living in constant fear of being shot to death by their employer because they looked slightly similar to her lover. She was amused by this. "That's one way to instill fear I guess" thought Cass. She went to the offices, and started checking the schedule for the upcoming caravans. "Let's see....guns and ammo to primm...damn, those guys are needing a lot of it these days. Food for goodsprings, typical. Lots of scrap metal for Novac..? Okay... weird. And medical supplies for Freeside..." the last location suddenly gave her an idea. And idea which might just work. She rushed outside to the caravans. "This is the freeside caravan correct?" asked Cass. "Why, yes ma'am. This is it. Don't worry ma'am, we're all set and ready to go." replied one of the caravan guard. "Good...say, your name is Jeffery, correct?" asked Cass. "Yes ma'am " replied Jeffery. "You're sitting out for this one jeff. Enjoy this time with your family." said Cass. The guard was surprised at this sudden act of kindness from his employer. "But uh..are you sure?". "Yes, absolutely, run along now " said Cass in a hurried manner.

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