5. | locked

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𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗚𝗔𝗩𝗘 𝗔 𝗥𝗨𝗡𝗗𝗢𝗪𝗡 𝗢𝗙 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗡 𝗧𝗢 𝗞𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗛. "I was able to find out where all the confiscated items go." you pointed to the room nearby. "In that very room." Kaveh nodded intently, his stare signaled you to continue.

"Then we could just grab my piano and get out of here!" You just realized how dumb that sounded. How would you get past the guard? How would you leave without being noticed!? "Ah.. um, wouldn't people see us with the piano?" Kaveh asked.

Your face turned red. "W-well.. these Akademiya scholars are too immersed in their books to notice us anyway! Ha.. haha..." Kaveh eyed the guard. "What about him?"

You couldn't make anymore excuses. You looked down in shame. "Ahh.. I'm sorry.. I didn't come up with a very good plan. I was in a hurry to get my sweet.. precious.. child.. I mean piano, back!" You sighed.

"Hey, it's okay! You have me, right? Let's come up with something together." he reassured you. You almost started crying. "Ah.. you're so kind Kaveh!" you said with a smile.

"It's nothing! So.. first let's come up with a way to get out, shall we?" he suggested. You nodded in agreement, and started looking around.

Something caught your eye. A dark green book on a nearby shelf. "What's this?" you took it off the shelf and looked at it. Kaveh tilted his head to take a look as well.

"A blueprint of the library?" he observed. How comically convenient! "Wow.. this seems almost too good to be true!" you said with joy.

You opened the book, and there was a note on the title page. 'Hope this helps, cutie..~' So this was Lisa's doing! "Ah.. I can almost hear her teasing voice through the page." you thought.

"Hope this helps... cutie? Who wrote this?" Kaveh on the other hand, was quite confused. "Hm? Oh.. no idea! But, that doesn't matter right now. Let's take a look."

Kaveh nodded, agreeing. You flipped through the pages until you found the room of confiscated items. "I wonder how Lisa got this book.. actually nevermind.. I don't want to know.." you thought.

"There it is!" Kaveh pointed to the page. "Looks like there's a back door, maybe we could exit from there?" he suggested. "Oh, perfect!" you exclaimed.

But your excitement was short-lived. "Hm.. what about the guard?" Kaveh asked. "Oh, right.." you had forgotten about him.

"We'll need to distract him somehow.. but how?" you pondered. "What if we bring his attention to something else? Like.. a suspicious object?" Kaveh suggested.

"That could work.." you looked in your pockets for something to use. All you found was 5 mora, a loose button, and the hairclip that Lisa gave you. "Uh.. how would I use any of these?"

"Well, the hairclip is quite shiny.. it could probably catch somebody's attention." Kaveh pointed out. You got an idea that was so crazy that it might've worked.

"What if I throw the hair pin across the room? It would distract the guard and buy me some time!" you explained. Lisa's intuition was terrifying. How did she know that the hair clip would come in handy?!

"Oh.. that might actually work!" Kaveh said. "But are you sure you want to give that hair clip up? It is quite pretty.."

"Yeah.. I think it was meant to be used for something like this anyway." Kaveh looked confused when you said that. "Ah.. it's nothing! Let's carry on." you said.


You found a bookshelf near the guard, and you hid behind it. You would throw the hair clip, wait for the guard to notice it, and get to the room as quickly as possible. "Okay Y/N.. you can do this.." you whispered to yourself.

You threw the clip, and the guard saw it fly through the air. You crossed your fingers, hoping he would move away from the door.

He walked over to the thrown object. "Yes!", you exclaimed internally. You quietly ran into the room. The guard however was completely oblivious. "What's this..?" he picked it up. "A hair clip?" He looked annoyed, and turned to the students in the library.

"Who threw this?!" he yelled sternly. Most of the students stayed quiet, too immersed in their work. Some of them rolled their eyes. "Don't show me that attitude—!"

Kaveh, who was pretending to work gave the guard a death glare. The guard froze. "A-ah.. I'm sorry.. please continue working." Kaveh quickly switched back to his friendly demeanor. He could be terrifying at times..

Meanwhile, you were looking around the room of confiscated dreams— items! Items. The room looked much bigger on the inside.. the Akademiya must've really liked taking away hopes and dreams. The items varied. Some of them were electronics from Fontaine, art supplies, and even other instruments.

You continued searching until you found it. There it was. Your precious piano. "Oh.. my archons." you walked up to it, and hugged it. "How I missed you, my precious dear.." if somebody saw you, you would look insane to them. Maybe you were..

"Now I can get out of here!" you dragged the piano to the back door, which took a lot of effort. "Ah.. ugh.. why is it so heavy?!" By the time you made it to the door, your back was aching. "Oh, come on.. I'm not even that old!" you said, rubbing your back.

"Well, at least I made it.." You turned the door knob. "Time to get my piano back home—" Click.

You turned it again.


And again, and again.

Click. Click, click. It was locked!

"What.. there's no way. No. It can't be!" You kept trying to desperately open the door. "Ah... no! It won't budge.." You groaned in frustration. "What about the other door..?"

You tried opening it. Click. "Huh?! What kind of door locks from the inside?!" You were thinking of what to do until you heard footsteps. "Shit! Is that the guard?" You were panicking until you heard a knock from the back door.

"Hey, Y/N! Over here!"

A/N: i'll try to update this more 😭

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A/N: i'll try to update this more 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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