Chapter 4

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Nick walked along the coradore. He didn't know why he was so butt hurt about it. His brother's deserved to have a little fun now after being so worried about him. But a part of him, a sick and twisted part of him wanted them to keep on thinking of him. He knew it was wrong and selfish but he couldn't help it.

Nick waited at Matt's next class for the boy. They had it together so it just felt right. The end of lunch bell rang and the hallways filled with students but Nick was only looking for one. He gave a warm smile when he saw his brother walking towards him but faded when he walked right by him into their shared classroom. Nick just nodded to himself before following Matt.

Matt sat down at his usual table and Nick just sat on the floor next to him. Close enough where he felt comfortable but not close enough that if Matt were to move he would touch him.

In all honesty Nick didn't know if he could be touched, but he knew that he could touch things. He still didn't want ro risk it.

The class went on as usual. Boring as ever. Though Nick was glad he didn't have to do any work but that just left him bored out of his mind. He couldn't even go on his phone to keep him occupied. So he just stared, stared at Matt. He stared at his face and the emotions that it would make when he didn't understand something or if he got something right. He notices that Matt had a little beauty mark on the left side of his cheek, close to her jaw. He didn't know how he didn't notice it before.

But Nick was alarmed when he saw Matt's face shift into one of horror. He hadn't been paying attention to was Mrs. Marson was talking about but now he knows that she was calling for Matt, more specifically, calling Matt the wrong name.

"Nick, do you have the answer?" She waited. Seconds pass by and nobody said a word. It was as if the air stilled. Anyone who was talking eminently stopped and looked over to Matt with wide eyes. "Nick are you going to answer." Matt still said nothing.

"Um, Mrs. Marson. That's Matt." A boy across the room corrected the teacher. Mrs. Marson's face shifted into the one of horror at the realization.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Matt, do you have the answer?" She tried to play off.

Matt just shook his head before packing his bag and leaving the classroom. No one said anything when the door closed behind him. Nick gave the women a look of disgust and anger before speeding out of the room as well. Scaring the shit out of everyone when the doors opened and slammed closed.

Nick quickly followed Matt into the men's bathroom and into the big stall where Matt sank down onto the floor. Tears began to stream down the smaller boys face as he cried silently to himself. Matt tried to whipe away the tears but they just kept coming and he was starting to get frustrated with himself. Matt balled up his fists, digging his nails into his palms. He could feel the skin break which only made him clech harder. Nick looked on in sadness. He wanted nothing more then to comfort his brother, but he knew he couldn't.

Nick hung his head in defeat as he sat next to Matt. Nick looked at his hands and wondered. Slowly he reached for Matt's fists and tried to open them. Matt was quickly startled when he felt pressure on his hands. He quickly stood up and looked around starling Nick in the process. He got his answer. Nick stood up with Matt and tried again. This time Matt let him. Matt looked on in amazement and terror as his hands uncurled with him doing it.

"Nick?" He said unconsciously. One of his fingers curled as if giving him a yes. Nick was jumping with joy which made Matt's made move in the process. Matt knew he was here.

"Nick." He said more to himself this time. His tears began to double this time and he slid back down the wall. "How are you- are you a ghost? I- did you die?" Matt sobbed out. That was the only reasonable explanation, right? Nick died while that were at school and mom and dad were waiting for then to get home to tell them.

Nick shock his head and tried to move Matt's fingers but he was interrupted by the bathroom door opening and a familiar voice. "Matt? Are you here?" Chris called out. Matt only sobbed in response. Chris quickly went to the last stall and tried to open it. When that faild he crawled under. The sight alone made him want to cry as well. Matt was sitting on the floor with his hand out. Tears waterfalling down his face.

"Matt, what's wrong, what happened?" Surely this can't only be because he was called the wrong name. A kid from Matt's class who happed fo be a friend of Chris texted him and told him was had happened. Chris sat next to Matt pulled him to his chest.

"Nick." He sobbed.

Chris sucked in a breathe. "What about Nick?" He asked.

"He's gone. He's dead." Matt sobbed inro his chest.

Chris could feel his heart stop. No, this can't be happening! Chris covered his mouth with his hand. Trying to swallow his cry.

Nick began to freak and to move Matt's fingers in a way of telling him, "No, I'm not dead!" But it only made Matt cry harder.

Chris took a shaking breath before speaking. "How do you know?"

"Because I can feel him." Chris pulled back from Matt and just stared at him.


"I can feel him. I can feel him touch me. He was moving my fingers!" Matt shoved his hand infront of Chris' face.

Chris' fave softened when he saw the nail marks in the boys palm. "Matt." He thought Matt had finally snapped. That he was breaking down. He was about to speak again when he felt it. His hair was being moved behind his ear. The boy jumped and looked around. They were the only ones in the stall.

"See!" Matt cried. "It's Nick. He's like a ghost. He's dead!"

Nick was getting impatient now so he grabbed Chris' head and began to shake it. "No, no he isn't." Chris said which made his head stop moving.

"Then how?" Matt asked brokenly.

"I don't know." Chris whispered.

"I don't know either." Nick looked at his brothers. They knew he was here. They needed him.

Hi, um, so I know I've been gone for SOOOO long. I honestly have no excuse. I just didn't feel like writing but I'm back now and I'm writing another chapter for my other book 'We're almost famous.' But my phone is being wack so it might take a minute.

Okay kisses and loves have a great day!

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