/Author's Note/

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Hi everyone, This is one of the priority books I've worked so hard on, and I wanted to say thank you for all your support and feedback! Yes, I am back with plenty of books in mind, and The Alluring is one of them. It is a series that I enjoy writing, and I am so excited to let you all read it!

Before you all get ahead, here are some things you need to know!

Book Information

Once I have finished writing the five chapters, those chapters will be published. After the book is finished, I will edit and continue on the next, so to all my readers who will and have supported this book, please be patient with the progress.

A lot of chapters will be short.

There will be some mature content.

The story is based on hardship and friendship.

Five chapters will be published once done.

This book is not edited, so please forgive my mistakes

Do not copy this work, please and thank you

Yes, this book does have some triggering and sexual moments. If anyone is uncomfortable with that sort of stuff, I do apologize. I suggest finding another Wattpad story that would make you feel at ease.

-Don't forget to comment and vote on this book!

-So now please enjoy Face The Alluring Truth!



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