Chapter Six

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10 May, 2020

Co. Wicklow, IE

Positive COVID-19 Cases: 22,996

Deaths: 1,458

The warm May sunshine tried to force its way past Cassie's dark sunglasses as she followed Andrew's SUV down a two lane road in county Wicklow. They'd left her house in the city an hour ago and made good time into the countryside after picking up Alex. Finn was sitting in his seat, staring out the window as they passed farms and open fields. Occasionally he'd point out cows or sheep that grazed in the pastures.

"Mama, how much longer?" he called from the back seat.

Cassie looked at him in the rearview mirror. "Not too much longer," she said, glancing back at the map on the console of her car. "Maybe five more minutes."

They passed into a village, driving by a high street filled with shops. A few people walked along the pavement, holding bags of shopping. Parking lots were mostly empty. A moment later, Andrew's car slowed at an intersection and turned onto a narrow single-lane street with a dense canopy of trees overhead. A driveway appeared to her right and she watched as a black metal gate slid open. He drove through it and she followed. She got a glimpse of it shutting behind her in the rearview mirror. 

Andrew continued to drive around a slight curve and up an incline before stopping in front of a black two car garage . He got out and motioned for her to take the space next to him.

"We're here, Bug!" Cassie called to Finn as she put the SUV in park and turned it off.

Finn kicked his legs excitedly as Cassie got out and walked around the car. Andrew came over to her.

"Need any help?" he asked, watching her open Finn's door.

"Uh...we should be alright. Its just two bags," she replied, unbuckling Finn from his car seat and helping him down. She walked around to the back of the car and opened the hatch.

"I've got it," Andrew said quickly, jumping into action to pull the two hard sided suitcases from the car before she could say anything.

"Hey," Alex said, coming over. "Nice to meet you."

"Officially," Cassie chuckled, shaking his hand. "This is Finn. Finn, this is Andrew's friend Alex."

"Nice to meet you Finn," Alex said, giving him a smile.

"Are Andwew and Awex wike George's dads?" Finn asked, looking back at Cassie.

Her eyes widened slightly. "No, baby. They're not. They - they're just very good friends." She gave Alex an apologetic look.

Alex straightened and gave Finn a surprised look. "I've never been insulted by a toddler. I'm not sure how I feel."

Cassie moved to grab her purse from the floor of the back seat and saw Finn's wide-eyed expression as he took in the surroundings.

"Is all of this yours, Andrew?" she asked, shutting the car door and sliding her sunglasses up onto the top of her head.

The house sat on what looked like several acres of land, bordered by dense trees. A large, open field was fenced in at the back and she could just barely make out a few houses in the distance. Short trees had been planted at intervals across the grass, but it would be decades before they offered any type of shade.

"Ehm, yeah," he said, tucking some loose hair behind his head. "When I bought this place, the agent said that lot was also available if I wanted it." He gestured to the houses on the other side of the field. "The neighbors thought I was going to develop it or something."

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