Chapter Eight

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29 MAY 2020

Dublin, IE

Positive COVID-19 Cases: 24,876 

Deaths: 1,645

"Cass, I think its a great piece," Nate said. "British people don't truly understand the level of police brutality in the States. Its good that you wrote about it." 

Cassie could hear the clink of a spoon against porcelain as the man on the other end of the call spoke. "Nate, are you making tea right now?" she asked, ignoring his words of praise. 

"Cassie, accept the praise," he insisted. "Just take the win and move on," he sighed. 

She inhaled slowly and shifted her weight on her feet, allowing her gaze to follow Finn across the playground. "I know Edie's waiting for more pages. I'm sure she's livid that I had time to write an article, but not the forty pages I promised her last week."

Nate scoffed. "To be honest, this article is far better for you right now. The pages can wait."

"Great. Can I get that in writing to Edie when she comes sniffing around tonight?" she asked sarcastically. "Oi! Finn! Stay off the fence!" she called across to Finn. He paused in the middle of his climb and descended back to the concrete glumly.

"At the park, I take it?" he asked. She heard him take a sip of something and swallow.

Cassie sniffed, her nose running slightly. "Uh...yeah. They've just opened up the parks again here, so I've taken the animal out for an airing."

Nate chuckled. "If we wanted to schedule a book signing there, do you think we could get away with it?" he asked. 

"I'm not really sure," she replied. "You'd need to look at what the regulations are for gatherings and all that. I think we're a ways off from anything large enough for a proper signing still."

"I'll have Briony check," he said. "We want to get as much publicity done as we can for We Are All Born Dying. Its not doing as well as we'd hoped."

"Gee, that's a shocker," Cassie joked. She switched her cell phone to her other ear as she walked several paces around the playground, keeping Finn in her line of sight. "The world's on fire and nobody wants to read a book with the word dying in the title."

"Listen missy," Nate chided. "Its my job to make sure your books sell. How the fuck else are you meant to pay me?"

"Nate, you have four other clients," she smiled. "Go badger them."

"I'm trying to buy a house! If I buy it and then you shit the bed on me, I'll be fucked," he answered. "You're by far the most successful one of my clients, Cass. I'm relying on you to keep me in the lifestyle to which I've become accustomed to."

A young family walked near Cassie and she pulled her mask up over her nose and mouth from where it sat under her chin. She gave them a nod and took a few steps away from them. "I'm open to a signing or whatever, but I'm leaving it up to you guys to plan. You know me - just tell me where to be and when. I don't care about any other details."

"Right," he said quickly. "I need to get going. I will check in with you next week."

"Sounds good," she replied. "Chat soon."

Cassie ended the call and put her phone into her back pocket. Finn dashed across the playground and began climbing up the steps to the play structure. She walked around the structure to stand at the bottom of the slide. He saw her as he came down it and shrieked in laughter.

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