Chapter Ten

174 11 5

18 June 2020

Co. Wicklow, IE

Positive COVID-19 Cases: 25,355

Deaths: 1,714

Andrew sighed as he inhaled the cool summer air deeply. Dusk was falling and the trees were rustling gently in the breeze. He was sitting on the rooftop patio over the pool, cigarette in hand. He'd stopped the habit during his first major tour in an attempt to preserve his voice. With the stress of the pandemic, he'd picked it back up again. He knew he should quit - and he planned to, as soon as things started looking up again. But since he had no idea of how long that would be, he figured he may as well enjoy life as much as he could within the incredibly narrow parameters he was given to do so. 

He leaned back on the sofa, the waterproof canvas on the cushions scratchy against his bare arms. Summer was in full swing and he'd taken full advantage. After he returned from Cassie's a few days prior, he threw open every window in his home and let the fresh air flow in. Somehow he'd managed to stay symptom-free, but he still needed to isolate for the full two weeks, just to be sure. 

Cassie and Finn improved dramatically, but they were still weak. If she hadn't insisted on him going back home, Andrew would probably have stayed on another week. Sure it had been a bit lonely, leaving all of her meals on the floor on the corridor, but each night, they'd stay up as long as they could, just talking on Facetime. Eventually, she'd start to fade and he would insist on her going to bed. 

He hadn't been to the beach in weeks and he was aching for a swim. He wanted to feel the ebb and flow of the water around him as it crashed toward the shore. He craved the feeling of resistance as his arms sliced through the waves. The pool beneath him wasn't cutting it anymore.

He took a drag on his cigarette, wishing it was weed instead of tobacco. He'd smoked his last joint two days ago and his dealer couldn't get him anything for another week. The heat filled his lungs, warming him from the inside out. He exhaled after a moment and watched the cloud dissipate into the night. His phone vibrated next to him and he looked down to check it.

Cassie's name and a photo they'd taken together during her first stay with him flashed on his screen. They were pulling goofy faces, holding glasses of wine next to their heads. He hurriedly stubbed his cigarette out in the ash tray and swiped to take the call. 

"Hey," he said, blowing out the last of the smoke from the corner of his mouth.

"Jesus, you're not still smoking are you?" she grimaced. 

Andrew's face pinked slightly and he shrugged. She'd been giving out to him about his habit since she caught him doing it a week prior. "I have so few joys in life, Cass. Don't spoil this one," he joked, sticking his tongue out.

"What about your voice?" she asked. He saw her push her black-rimmed glasses back up her nose.

"I'll stop when I need to," he said nonchalantly. "How are you two?" he shifted the focus off of himself. 

"Finn's definitely fully recovered. He's practically climbing the walls," Cassie smiled. "I know I shouldn't complain - it could have gone a lot worse."

The government had released an updated count of the total number of positive cases. It was well into twenty-five thousand. He'd shuddered when he realized he knew several people that were part of that number. It was no longer just a virus that affected other people; it was personal now. He'd seen it rear its ugly head up close and would be glad when they were all well-rid of it.

"What is your first trip going to be, post-isolation?" he asked.

"I've already got it all planned out in my mind: a coffee - and a hot chocolate for the gremlin - at a cafe, then a trip to the park, and finally we will end our day with a trip to the shops for groceries."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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