Part Four: Wings

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Willow was a beautiful girl. Everyone knew this. Except her of course. The little voices at the back of her head said otherwise. Being as judgemental as they are, her friends only thought she denied for attention. This was not the case however. The truth was, she thoroughly believed that the compliment, pretty words coming out of their mouths were lies. Filthy lies only told to be polite. Because that's what people do- lie: its second nature...

He saw her across a crowded room. Cliche of course but oh well it was crowded. Brown eyes were usually dull to him. But wow. The shimmer in her almost black eyes made her seem magical: though it couldn't mask the undeniable sadness that glazed them. He didn't understand. How she could be sad, she seemed perfect. He didn't understand. How he was the only one who noticed...

She noticed him staring. He.didn't know though. But there was something in his eyes, concern, worry, adoration. No one had ever looked at her like that before.

She had heard this famous religious saying; "all people stand equal like the tooth of a comb". Not necessarily, she thought. You could get combs with the teeth reducing in size. She wondered if she was the smallest because she thought so little of herself, or the biggest because people expected so much.She wondered if her shredded wings could soar once again.

Maybe time would tell, maybe it would keep its secret.

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