Part Six: Beep.

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Beep. Beep.
There she lies.
Unfulfilled. Broken.
Here is her life.

The monitors whirring.
Fighting and stirring.
To keep her alive: but just alive.
Beep Beep

It's starting to quicken.
Pulsing pulsing her blood starts to thicken.
Beep Beep

Tubes are inserted syringes are squirted.
She's right on deaths door.
Knock knock. No more.
Beep. Beep

They're pumping her chest.
She needs to ingest
The air. The oxygen.
Beep. Beep.

What if she's gone?
She's fought for so long.
Her body is numb but she's far far from done.
Beep. Beep

The news has come.
She's bodily dumb.
Her nerves have died she's dead inside.
Beep. Beep.

Her eyes are glazed over.
She knows what they told her.
Neck down she's gone.
Not even a turn of the head.
Beep. Beep.

Her mind still works wonders
Despite life's blunders
She fought and fought till the line appeared.
No beep. No beep.


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