Part Seven: Utopia

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Utopia: An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.

What would your utopia be?
Maybe a beautiful golden beach, or a more cosy, solitary affair.
Either way, it depends on how you perceive perfection. And because of this, there can never really be a global utopia: too many different opinions and prefrences... Too many imperfections.

Another factor which makes utopia unachievable is dystopia.

Where ever there may seem to be perfection, always there is a small flaw or dystopic imperfection that may or may not go a miss. And in the mind. You might think you've achieved total desirable perfection in something, only to think "this could be better" or "I want to change this".

So therefore because of the mind's great complexity we will inevitably fail to create utopia in societys, communities or more importantly a global scale.

Because for every opinion there is one opposed.

Sorry this one's a bit different to the others, I just wanted to involve a topic I've been thinking about.

Thanx for reading,, go comment and vote for a virtual hug (づ ̄ ³ ̄)
Abzidabz xxxx

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