✧ five

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Irang crumpled yet another piece of her pastel paper, the slightest mischievous smile adorning her face. History class was always a boring time. The teacher would always ramble on and on about the least interesting things in the world, and then make them write the entire lesson down for the last ten minutes of the class, even if that meant they would be late for the next. But there was one good thing about history class: this was the only class in which Yujin sat right in front of Irang.

For ten minutes now, she'd been ripping paper from her notebook, writing messages on it and throwing them at the boy, in an attempt to annoy him, or at least, communicate with him. Unfortunately, he'd ignored every single paper that had landed on his table. Irang knew he wasn't that interested in history, so was he ignoring her? Or just being absolutely no fun?

This time, she would get his attention. Shaping the piece of paper in a small ball with her hands, she narrowed her eyes, analyzing her target. If paper balls on his table hadn't made him react, surely a projectile right to the head would work...She threw back her hand, before snapping it forward, lauching the ball of paper in the air.

And, well, it did hit the target. The paper ball bounced right off the back of his head, only to immediately fall into the collar of his shirt. Yujin let out a yelp, his hand immediately moving to take out the paper that was threatening to lodge itself deeper into his clothing. Unfortunately, that small single yelp was enough to interrupt the teacher's monologue, who turned to look at Yujin with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Han Yujin." His voice was stern, and Irang gulped. "If you're not focusing on what I'm saying, I may very well send you to detention so you can catch up on what you missed."

Yujin removed his hand from his back, clenching the note tightly as he looked at the teacher. "Um, I'm sorry sir, I'm listening."

But Yujin hadn't been slick enough. Crossing the room, the teacher stopped in front of Yujin's desk. It was littered with a bunch of crumpled up notes. Irang bit her lip as she watched the scene unfold. Yujin was in trouble, and it was all her fault.

"So you're too busy passing notes to listen to my lesson. That's detention for-"

All of sudden, Irang rose out of her chair, turning the heads of all of the students. "No, sir, he didn't do anything! I'm the one who was sending him these notes, but he didn't look at them at all. He was very focused on your lesson!"

Yujin turned around, eyes wide. Something in his stare told her that she should've stayed quiet, but she could hardly let him take the fall for something she did. Yujin was always too nice to her.

The teacher raised an eyebrow as he spun to look at her. "Is that so? Well then, you'd understand if I gave you detention this evening."

She nodded fervently, adverting her eyes from Yujin. "Yes sir, I understand. I'm sorry."

When the teacher walked back to the front of the class, Irang settled back in her seat, a slight pout forming on her face. She thought she might be able to hang out with Yujin a bit tonight, but that plan was out the window, and it was all her fault. Disappointed, she decided to focus on the uninteresting lecture, doing her best to ignore the glances Yujin would sometimes send her way.

As soon as the school bell rang, indicating the start of lunch break, Vicky ran to the cafeteria, eager to tell her friends about her encounter with a real life fairy tale prince. When she noticed Jungwon and Dayeon already sitting at a table, she sauntered towards them, a big smile on her face. She slipped into the chair next to Dayeon, loudly slapping her hands against the table.

"Guys, I have some huge news."

Jungwon snickered, resting his chin in his hand. "What, you found prince charming?"

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