✧ fifty

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Finally, summer break had opened its doors, and with a bang. It wasn't even eight in the morning yet, and a few cars had parked in front of the Zhang estate. Hao and Haewon, the responsible of the bunch, went through the checklist of things they had to prepare to make today a good day. This beach trip wasn't a couple's trip anymore, but still, they'd both put a lot of care into planning it. It needed to be as perfect as possible.

"Okay, has everyone been assigned to a car?" Hao asked again, a bit on edge.

Everyone nodded wordlessly.

Haewon continued the questioning. "Does every driver have the location in their GPS?"

Once again, nods, this time from the few assigned drivers. Having come to the end of his checklist, Hao clapped his hands together, attracting the attention of all of his friends.

"Alright, then we're good to go! Let's go right now, so we can get there early."

"And have fun!" Haewon added, channeling her inner camp counselor.

Everyone cheered, before they all separated to the different cars they'd been assigned to. An already exhausted sigh on her lips, Haewon opened the door of the car they'd rented, and slipped into the driver's seat. Hao came to sit next to her, while Hanbin and Gyuvin sat in the back. It had been a while since she'd last driven, but that kind of thing was hard to forget. It was sort of like her love for Hao. Even apart for years, it wasn't dead, just sleeping. All she had to do was wake it up.

As Haewon pulled the car out of the street in front of the Zhang's mansion, Hao leaned towards her. He quickly tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, keeping it away from her eyes.

"If you need to drink or eat, just tell me," he said softly. "And if you need to take a break, I'll text everyone else and we can stop on the side."

She had to keep her eyes on the road, but she allowed herself a smile. "Thank you, my love."

A groan coming from the backseat reminded them both that they weren't alone. "Ugh, it's going to be so annoying, stuck in a car for two hours, with this lovey-dovey couple," Gyuvin joked.

Haewon chuckled. As much as he liked to pretend he was bothered by it, Gyuvin had been such a good sport about her relationship with Hao. She could take all the teasing, knowing he truly wished for the best for her. At least, she hoped this beach trip would be able to pay back all the kindness he'd given her. Make up for all the time she'd spent away from him.

"You say that," she retorted, grinning, "but we're nowhere near showy with our public displays of affection, you know?"

"Yeah well, you two smell like love, and I hate it!" He stuck his tongue out, like he always would as a kid.

Hao snickered, leaning back to look at him. "You're just jealous because you can't be like that with Lilah."

In a matter of seconds, the atmosphere in the car shifted completely. Gyuvin lurched forward, his eyes wide open, a soundless scream coming out of his mouth. Haewon had to hold in a chuckle. So she wasn't the only one that had noticed Gyuvin's recent interest in the girl. She'd opted not to comment on it, but Hao did not have that same tact. Or rather, he was eager to tease him with that information...

"What?!" Gyuvin finally yelled, shaking his head. "What are you saying?"

Hanbin blinked quickly, his mouth agape. "Lilah? I... I did not know that."

"Yeah, he's always talking about her," Haewon decided to join in. "He even learned to crochet to make her gift."

"That's not—" Gyuvin bit his tongue, his face entirely red. "It's not like that. Don't just go and read into stuff!"

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