✧ twenty nine

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While other classes were busy doing bake sales or scaring guests in their makeshift haunted houses, Narae was stuck to welcoming duties. She had a box full of paper bracelets she'd made herself sitting next to her, and her entire job for the day would be to put them on the wrist of anyone who came in. It definitely wasn’t the most exciting activity of the bunch. But it wasn't so bad either. Seeing every guest happy to visit, asking for recommendations, was quite encouraging. Plus she got to stand right in front of one of the flower stands she'd helped design, so that was an added bonus.

In the sea of parents and siblings and students from other schools, Narae noticed a familiar face. When she'd asked Taerae to come to the festival, he'd given her quite the wishy-washy answer, saying he wasn’t sure he would have time to come. But, here he was! He couldn’t miss his little sister's school festival after all, could he?

"Well hello there," she started enthusiastically, before grabbing a paper bracelet, "welcome to the festival! I thought you'd be too busy."

"You knew I'd come," he said with a chuckle. "So, any spots you recommend?"

A mischievous smile on her face, she nodded fervently. "You should go to the butler café if you want to see Ricky and Gunwook dressed up as butlers."

"No way."

"Yes way!"

Taerae couldn’t help but laugh even imagining his friends all dressed up. He knew they would look ridiculous. At least Gunwook would be aware of it — there was a high chance Ricky would think he was hot stuff wearing a butler costume. There was no way he was going home without seeing those two. He needed a good laugh.

"Oh, hi Audrey!"

Hearing that name, Taerae's head snapped towards the direction Narae was looking in. Of course, it couldn’t be any other Audrey. A unique name for a unique lady.

As she walked towards Narae's little booth, Taerae couldn’t help but let his eyes wander over her. She was dressed a lot more casually than usual, but it was still obvious she was no ordinary girl. The way she held herself, the way she kept her chin high, the way she walked, so elegant and demure. No matter how many times he saw her, she was still so incredibly striking.

"I'm guessing you're here for Ricky," Narae said as she wrapped the bracelet around Audrey's slender wrist.

"Ah, yes, he insisted I come. Said something about a butler café."

Narae giggled. "Oh, he's bragging about it now?" Her eyes then drifted to her brother. "You two should go around the festival together. It's always a lot more fun with other people."

Audrey's glimmering eyes turned to look into Taerae's, and he felt himself straighten under her gaze. Here he'd planned for a leisurely walk around the festival, finishing with a funny number making fun of two of his friends. He definitely hadn’t expected to spend that whole time trying not to faint because Audrey was standing next to him.

"That's fine by me," he still said, trying to play it cool. "If you don’t mind."

A gentle smile appeared on her lips. "Of course. I was a bit scared of going alone, truth be told." She turned to Narae with an inquisitive look. "Is there anywhere we should go? Well, aside from the butler café."

"Hmm, one of the classes is doing a haunted house! I heard it's really scary."

"Oh. Okay. Thank you."

Blinking slowly, she turned around and walked towards Taerae. He couldn’t help the corners of his lips from turning up. She'd thanked Narae for the haunted house recommendation, but she didn't seem too overjoyed about it. Was she scared?

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