The beacon

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Eleanor Rose POV

I was sitting in Optimus's truck and I sighed. He was driving around trying to get me to calm down. Suddenly he stopped. "What?"

He transformed and I landed in his palm. He widened his eyes at something in the sky. "This cannot be. Calling all Autobots!" Optimus called.

"Prime, it's Arcee. What am I looking at?" a voice asked. "A way home. Mirage! Do you hear me? Mirage."

Optimus then transformed again.

We drove into a warehouse. I got out before he transformed.

He transformed and activated his battle mask. "Mirage, what have you done?" the pink and blue female asked.

"You brought a human here?!" Optimus snarled. "Optimus, hey. Looking good man. Wait are those new rims?"

"You were told to stay hidden!" Optimus growled. "Right, Right. Crazy coincidence. When you called all Optimus-like 'Autobots roll out' this guy was already in the car. Plus you have one with you. So it's cool, cool?" Mirage points out.

"Eleanor is my friend. I am taking care of her. And it is not cool." Optimize picked up the boy. "Who are you, human?" He asked.

"I'm nobody. I ain't even seen nothing I ain't even seeing anything right now." the kid said nervously. Optimus turned to the female. "Arcee."

She scanned him. She said who he was. "He does not look like a soldier," Optimus commented.

"Well, you ain't looking rough yourself." I snickered. Optimus gave me a look. I coughed. "Sorry," I mumbled. Optimus put Noah down. I noticed Noah sneaking off.

I then stood beside Optimus's ped.

Noah fell and Bee pointed his cannon. "Ooh! How about him and Eleanor!" Mirage suggested. "Absolutely not! I already put her in danger once and I refuse to do it again!" Optimus said. He then held his servo out for me.

I climbed on his servo and he put me on his shoulder. "Mirage!"

He spoke to the kid. "This is a waste of time!" Optimus scowled.

"What about big man?" Noah asked. "Let me worry about that," Mirage said.

I was in Optimus's truck. I sighed and laid down on the seats. I sniffles. "Are you alright, El?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm gonna miss it when you leave," I said. "Who said I am leaving without my favorite human?" I smiled.

I was sitting on Optimus's servo.

"I do not like this plan," Optimus spoke. "Yeah, Mirage isn't really known for being quiet." Arcee agreed. "At least Mirage is one of us. The only human I ever relied on was killed. I don't rely on any other one besides El." Optimus spoke.

"They are my friends," Bee said using the radio. "I know one was good to you, Bee. But this is not our home. I've learned that humans will always protect theirs just like how I protect my own."

"You can't handle the truth!" Bee said. "I do not want you going to that drive-in theater anymore," Optimus said. I snickered.

Optimus then noticed me looking around constantly. "El? What is it?" he asked. I looked around.

"Something is wrong," I said. He nodded.

Suddenly we saw someone firing into the museum. "Noah!" I jumped off Optimus's servo. "ELEANOR!" I ran forward ignoring him.

I then paled. The scary-looking one grabbed me. I yelped. "Where is the key human?!" he snarled. He squeezed me tightly. I cried out.

"ELEANOR!" Optimus punched the mech and I was dropped. I winced. "Ow..." I crawled away and saw the mech who grabbed me was stronger than Optimus.

Optimus was pinned down. He raised his sword. "NO!"

He kicked me and in hit the crushed rocks.
I winced.

I looked at Bee charged at the mech. I tried to get up.  I saw the mech shoot him. The mech then turned to me. "Now to kill the human." a screech rang out. It fired a fire line between me and the cons.

I winced.

"Eleanor..." I heard Optimus calling for me. "WHERE IS ELEANOR?!" Optimus yelled.

I felt someone gently grab me. "Right here." I was handed to him. "El?" I whispered and curled up in his hand.

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