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You're probably wondering how one single dare can change someone's life..right? Well never in my life did I think that it would change mine....never did I think that one dare could be the reason to how and with whom I am today...let's take a walk down my memory...shall we?

I was sitting in Ludmilla's room....being the senior class of the studio we all got our very own apartments next to the studio...

I was currently in Ludmilla, Cami and Naty's apartment...lucky them they didn't have boys living with them...cami was sat across the room on a couch while Naty was sitting leg crossed on the bed next to me.

We were all patiently waiting for Ludmilla to get out of the bathroom...Cami had dared her to dye her hair purple and Ludmilla being Ludmilla didn't back out..

My eyes went wide as ludmilla came out with bright purple hair....I could see Camilla trying to hold on her laughter as she had her hand on her jaw was dropped not because of her hair being purple but because it actually suited her...

"I don't get why you guys are laughing it suits me well" ludmilla said as she ran a hand through her wet purple hair in front of the mirror

"Yeah it'll make the guys go head over heels for you" Cami said with a laugh as it was hard to tell whether that statement was sarcastic or not considering boys in fact did go head over heels for ludmilla...

"Or maybe just a certain guy" I said with a smirk as ludmilla turned to glare at me while Naty and Cami laughed at her knowing who I meant....Every one knew that my dear friend and roommate Federico had a huge crush on Ludmilla since day one...what surprised everyone was that ludmilla had started to return the feeling but was still too stubborn to admit it...

"Come on Lud just admit that you like Fede back" Naty pushed as ludmilla looked down as I could see the blush on her face

"Ahh you're blushing" I squealed like a little girl as ludmilla looked up wiping her face as if that was gonna help

"I..don'" every word came gritting put of ludmilla's mouth while we just laughed at her which made her more angry and the purple hair wasn't helping much

"Come on Lud, don't you think we've noticed how you've stopped going out on dates" Cami said standing up from the couch and walking over to ludmilla as this lud didnt protest....taking advantage of that i opened my mouth

"Maybe you're waiting for a certain someone to ask you out" I swear the smirk forms involuntarily on my face

"Let's get back to the game ok?" Ludmilla said as she got the bottle in her hand and we all returned to her bed while Naty and Cami both had a look that clearly stated 'we'll continue this'

Ludmilla spun the bottle as it landed on me...With cami at the other end...knowning Cami and her wild ways I chose


"Come on Vilu don't be a sissy" even though that did come out of Cami's mouth it sounded really familiar to me

"Cami you sound just like fran" ludmilla said to her...ah best friend of course it was familiar

"I need to stop hanging out with her, it's not enough that she talks like a boy now I'm talking like one too" Cami said with a shudder and disgusted face as she shook her head

It was true that fran talked like a boy....she was literally one of the boys..sometimes I even wonder how she and I became best friends...

Even today when we ask her to join our sleep over, her reply was 'sleepover? Where girls do their make up and nails and talk about boys that I spend my whole day with, no thanks I'd rather watch some football match with Fede and Leon'

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